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The Bologna Process and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Dr Gillian Mackintosh Head of Registry.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bologna Process and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Dr Gillian Mackintosh Head of Registry."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bologna Process and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Dr Gillian Mackintosh Head of Registry

2 Background Intergovernmental process aiming to create European Higher Education Area by 2010 Aims to create comparability and compatibility between diverse systems and institutions in Europe to: i.enhance staff and student mobility ii.increase international competitiveness of European Higher Education

3 System of Credits Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) –National system for defining qualifications in terms of entry/exit points, progression and credit requirements European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) -Initially introduced to facilitate recognition in Erasmus -1 ECTS credit = 2 AU (SCQF) credits

4 Three Degree Cycle Substantial change for much of Europe EHEA Qualifications Framework Bachelors Degree –180-240 ECTS credits & minimum of 3 years Masters Degree - 90-120 ECTS credits Doctoral Degrees -Link between EHEA and European Research Area

5 Diploma Supplement To aid mobility through facilitating better understanding and transparency of degrees Standard description of nature, content, level, context and status of award.

6 Quality Assurance Seen as vital for (i) enhancing co-operation between HEIs in Europe and (ii) promoting international competitiveness of European HE Common European standards for QA with common reference points European Register of Quality Agencies being established

7 Mobility Both staff and student Issue for the UK – 79% of UK institutions have more incoming than outgoing students as compared to 29% in European HEIs Challenges –language issues –Finance –curriculum comparability Report from CIHE states that many of the big recruiters are looking for graduates who have a global experience

8 Joint Degrees The Bologna process through the establishment of the European Higher Education Area seeks to promote inter- institutional co-operation within Europe. The strands of Bologna such as qualifications frameworks, common degree structures and quality assurance will help facilitate this. Opportunities for Joint Degrees – e.g. Erasmus Mundus

9 Other Action Lines Lifelong learning Social dimension Role of students

10 Advantages Bologna brings some challenges but has the potential of providing a number of advantages: Enhanced mobility International dimension Employability Global competitiveness

11 Issues for Curriculum Reform Degree length -Do we consider adopting the Bologna model of 3 + 2? Student mobility -How do we enhance student mobility? -Should we look to use the extra year to provide such opportunity? Joint degrees -Should we look at the opportunities this might provide in terms of a more global experience for our students?

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