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Welcome to CHD 014: Art and Creative Development for Children 1) Please place your name sign at your place on the table. Feel free to add to your sign.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CHD 014: Art and Creative Development for Children 1) Please place your name sign at your place on the table. Feel free to add to your sign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CHD 014: Art and Creative Development for Children 1) Please place your name sign at your place on the table. Feel free to add to your sign however you wish. BE CREATIVE! 3) Introduce or Re-introduce yourself to your table mates.

2 “A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.” ~ Paul Klee

3 What did YOU do that was creative this week? Please take a few moments to share with your table- mates What did you do that was creative this week? How did it feel to be creative? Were you inspired to be creative other times after this experience? Were there any products or was it only process?

4 Scribble Therapy Pick two crayons of different colors Take a blank piece of white paper Let go of everything you think that you know about creativity Wait for directions

5 With your small group: Tell your group mates what your personal reactions were to this experience: What were your thoughts and feelings as you scribbled? How did this activity allow you to be creative? Use your sense and/or imagination? Challenge your idea of creativity? Fill out a Creative Experience Form for your binder and keep it with your drawing.

6 Children can be highly creative! What happens to the level of unbridled enthusiasm between 4 and 14 To US between 14 and 40?

7 In the early childhood classroom, the creative child is: The Curious Child. Is not afraid to ask questions The Flexible Child. Willing to try different approaches The Sensitive Child The Child Who Looks for Hidden Meanings. They are able to connect things which seem unrelated to others.

8 In the classroom, the creative child is: The Child Who is Self-Motivated. They march to a different drummer The Child Who is an Original Thinker The Reflective Child. They possesses insight. Metacognition. They think about their thinking.

9 Question? What keeps us from being creative? What hinders or inhibits our creativity?

10 Finger Painting Clean up and prepare for your next activity Take time at the table to truly explore the properties of the paint you are given Paint, feel, explore, without thought of the “product” Explore what happens with different colors as you combine, experiment and discover Take your time

11 With your small group: Tell your group mates what your personal reactions were to this experience: What were your thoughts and feelings as you painted? How did this activity allow you to be creative? Use your sense and/or imagination? Challenge your idea of creativity? Fill out a Creative Experience Form for your binder and keep it with your painting.

12 Obstacles to Creativity: Home: creative children may be thought of as “naughty.” They are always into something! School: schools often value convergent thinking. It begins with crafts. Creative children often “shut down” in school. Gender: roles influence both boys and girls ability to be creative. Society, Culture and Tradition: “that just not the way it is done in our family/culture/community.

13 Children Need Adults Who Facilitate Creative Expression! Celebrate Creativity! Point out children’s creative solutions and ideas when you see them. Creativity will grow when you cultivate it! Be a Creative Partner: Follow the Leader! Empower children’s creativity by allowing yourself (in invited) into their creative world.

14 Children Need Adults Who Facilitate Creative Expression! Provide Toys and Materials which are open ended and conducive to creativity. Provide Time and Space for Creativity Make Opportunities for Creative Expression throughout Your Curriculum: Individuals find their creative niche in different ways! Creativity should not be confined to the art area.

15 Children Need Adults Who Facilitate Creative Expression! Provide a Climate which Allows the Creative Disposition to Thrive! The early childhood classroom should be a safe place for risk taking, where trust and respect flourish and children do not fear criticism, rejection or pressure to conform. Mistakes and “failures” are viewed as part of the learning process. Value Creativity: means putting your money, time and practice where you mouth is! View creative development as a necessary aspect of growth.

16 Creativity is a value. Our values inhabit our classrooms and programs; they dictate our philosophies. Our philosophies guide our practice and what we do with children.

17 Blocks Clean up and prepare for your next activity Take time at the table to truly explore the properties of the blocks you are given Build, dream, explore, without thought of the “product” Explore what happens with different blocks as you combine them and build in ways to represent your ideas Take your time

18 With your small group: Tell your group mates what your personal reactions were to this experience: What were your thoughts and feelings as you built? How did this activity allow you to be creative? Use your sense and/or imagination? Challenge your idea of creativity? Fill out a Creative Experience Form for your binder and keep it with pictures or drawings that represent your building.

19 Autobiographical Collage Questions?

20 What have you learned about creativity in the last week? Be yourself Be different Satisfy your imagination Think outside the box Let go Break the rules Be unique Surprise yourself and others Be free Encourage creative without interference Be brave Taste it ALL Be interested Be natural & pure Avoid models Don’t stop children from exploring Concrete experiences Don’t copy You are more capable than you think Free experiences Open ended TAKE RISKS!!!

21 Next Week – 9/10/2014 BE CREATIVE in some way that does NOT have a product!! TAKE RISKS!! Report back next week. Read Chapter 2 from the book Read instructor’s article: Children Learn to Thinnk and Create Through Art - posted on Angel Due: Autobiographical Collage Due: Creativity Pack DUE: Draft Creative Experience Forms (3)

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