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MiniBooNE Computing Description: Support MiniBooNE online and offline computing by coordinating the use of, and occasionally managing, CD resources. Participants:

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Presentation on theme: "MiniBooNE Computing Description: Support MiniBooNE online and offline computing by coordinating the use of, and occasionally managing, CD resources. Participants:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MiniBooNE Computing Description: Support MiniBooNE online and offline computing by coordinating the use of, and occasionally managing, CD resources. Participants: P.Spentzouris (15%) CD, CD liaison Steve Brice (50%), PPD, offline Chris Green (100%), user, sysadmin & general computing issues Timeline: end of run (2005 ???), end of run+2 years (estimated) for offline related issues.

2 FNALU linux workstations plus Condor AFS space PNFS space CDCVS server (NFS) Code repository DAQ Enstore X Project area(210G) products & libraries (ups/upd) Project area: code, data, scratch Code development & binaries Analysis Calibration constants Distribution & setup scripts FARMS X Nearline online monitoring 100 nodes x 100% x 1 week/month

3 MiniBooNE Computing Summary: In the past most of the effort went into defining/implementing the MiniBooNE Computing model, and utilizing available resources. Status: ➔ Online/nearline implemented & fully functional ➔ Offline still some development (algorithms, calibrations) most important issues: Monte Carlo tunning, which requires farm running Data cache implementation

4  Disappearance Expt. Overview Detector Beam MC Cross Section Models Detector MC Apply  Cuts  Disappearance Expt. Result  Disappearance Expt. Result Apply  Cuts All events  candidates from data   candidates from MC   MC events   flux   cross- sections Operations Algorithms Calibration/Det MC Beam Cross-sections Group Responsibility Exotics FARM usage -> x 2

5 e Counting Expt. Overview Detector Beam MC Cross Section Models Detector MC Apply e Cuts e Counting Expt. Result Detector MC Apply e Cuts All events e candidates from data  e misID e intrinsic   MC events  e MC events   flux   e flux   cross- sections  e cross- sections Operations Algorithms Calibration/Det MC Beam Cross-sections Group Responsibility Exotics FARM usage -> x 2

6 System components (status) AFS Project area – experiment -(OK) Enstore & usage monitoring - experiment – (OK) will need more tapes than anticipated disk cache system CVS repository -experiment- (OK) FARMS (100 nodes) -CD- (OK) ✗ usage will go up x ~2 FNALU -CD- (not utilized for analysis) Local workstations (~50 CPUs/Condor) -experiment- (OK) Networking: Detector, control room, WH10W -CD- (OK) work related to data servers DAQ -experiment, CD (hardware)- (OK) Online/nearline -experiment, CD- new online machines (CD) additional disk, 320 GB (experiment) support/maintenance of above: [no issues]

7 Software ● Offline -experiment, CD- (Phase 1 OK) mixed language (f77, C++), Root, mySQL Controls, Event Model, Design -CD- Pattern Recognition, Reconstruction – experiment ➔ will need help with “data set” level reconstruction and consulting for bug fixes, etc Online/nearline -experiment- (OK) re-uses most of offline components, but not Root (Tcl/Tk and Hbook) Event display -CD- (separate project) DAQ (real time linux) -experiment- (OK) have “friendly terms”, no-CD-commitment, consulting agreement Simulation: G3 (detector) and new G4 (beam) (OK), real issue is production and x-section models

8 Disk Cache ● Need both read and write cache ● Would like to have (most) of our data set on disk ● 1 TB dcache not safe for write-cache. Options: – Buy hardware, add to existing cache system – Buy hardware, configure & administer ● Experiment selected the self-configure option – Up to 3 TB disk, up to 10 servers. Cris Green negotiated installation at Feynman – One server exists, move from 10 th floor to FCC – Hardware ordered or existing (network)

9 Tape usage: ~20 tapes/week, up from initial estimates due to new triggers


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