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Bellringer Answers 1. Puritans came for religious freedom, but did not give religious freedom to others (were intolerant/hypocritical). 2. Dissenters were.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Answers 1. Puritans came for religious freedom, but did not give religious freedom to others (were intolerant/hypocritical). 2. Dissenters were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Answers 1. Puritans came for religious freedom, but did not give religious freedom to others (were intolerant/hypocritical). 2. Dissenters were banished from Massachusetts and created the New England Colonies RI=Roger Williams CT=Thomas Hooker NH=John Wheelwright 3.people have the power=We the People Governments power is limited Separation of church and state

2 MARYLAND Who: Lord Baltimore/ King Charles supported Baltimore’s plan for a colony where Catholics would not be persecuted/ made Baltimore a proprietor—colony owned by a single person Why: haven (safe place) for Catholics/ free from religious conflicts of Europe When: 1634 Where: St. Mary’s City located on the Chesapeake Bay (will become capital) Economy: based on tobacco/ wears out soil quickly/ need lots of workers—indentured servants and slaves Religion: Act of Toleration—1649—forbid religious persecution Catholics were outnumbered by Protestants and in 1645 Puritans tried to seize power/ 1654 Puritans replaced Act with Anti- Catholic law/ eventually Act was restored

3 Carolinas Who: King Charles II rewarded eight proprietors with land (Carolinas) proprietor=owner Why: English civil war/ A Puritan republic was set-up but later the monarchy was restored. King Charles II was rewarding his supporters What: proprietors hoped to attract settlers with religious freedom, large land grants, and political representation Government changes— 1690—government forced to create a separate colony—North Carolina with an assembly 1719—colonists overthrew proprietary rule (in order to get more military support from the King) 1729—both North and South became royal colonies Main areas of settlement--- North=settlers from Virginia South=English settlers from West Indies Rice—learned how to grow from slaves/ required large labor force/ made Carolinas very rich but because they were so outnumbered by their slaves they lived in constant fear of a revolt

4 Georgia Who: James Oglethorpe (received a charter from King George II) Why: place where debtors and poor could make a fresh start (haven for debtors)/ serve as a buffer against Spanish Florida and French Louisiana Population: very diverse, lots of immigrants and religions (Protestants, Jews), NO Catholics allowed Rules: opposed large plantations and slavery, feared slave revolts, wanted poor to farms and have a chance at making a better life Eventually became a royal colony and started a plantation lifestyle

5 Southern Colonies Common climate and soil: East known as TIDEWATER—land along the coast, encouraged the planting of warm—weather crops such as tobacco, rice and indigo—utilized slave labor. Large plantations formed around rivers for trade West—poorer settlers Religion: Anglican church was the established religion Diverse religions—many colonies promised religious toleration Government: all had an elected representative assembly

6 Need to Know Lord Baltimore Proprietor Act of Toleration Rice, Tobacco, and Slavery Elite in Carolinas Royal colony James Oglethorpe 2 reasons for founding of Georgia Tidewater **Why did slavery expand in the South?

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