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Visualisation of Plasma in Fusion Devices Interactive European Grid 30 th May 2007.

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1 Visualisation of Plasma in Fusion Devices Interactive European Grid 30 th May 2007

2 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 2 Visualization of Plasma in Fusion Devices Antecedents Stellerator TJ-II (Madrid) Magnetic Confinement Investigate Plasma prop. National infrastructure Research CIEMAT Schema of the TJ-II design Visualization using Computational tools (OpenGL, Fox toolkit) Computing Visualization of TJ-II

3 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 3 Visualization of Plasma in Fusion Devices Computational details  The application visualizes the behaviour of plasma inside a Fusion device  Runs are foreseen as a part of a so called Fusion Virtual Session  The plasma is analyzed as a many body system consisting of N particles  Inputs Geometry of the vacuum chamber Magnetic field in the environment Initial number, position, direction, velocity of particles Possibility of collisions between particles Density of particles inside the device  Solves a set of Stochastic Differential Equations with Runge-Kutta method  Outputs Trajectories of the particles Average of relevant magnitudes: densities, temperatures...

4 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 4 Porting the application to  Spread the calculation over hundreds of Worker Nodes on the Grid to increase the number of particles in the plasma.  Design of a Grid collaborative environment for fusion device designing and analysis. N particles distributed among P processes: MPI Particle trajectories are displayed graphically Interactive simulation steering

5 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 Global Schema MPI + Interactivity + Visualization

6 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 Application startup P0 P1 P2 P3 Master P0 N particles divided among P Processors: N / P Master process uses mpi-start to distribute input to Child processes P1 P2 P3 Magnetic field background SE, http, … Input: Number of particles, Simulation properties (file), Magnetic field background

7 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 Fusion Application MPI Schema P1P0 P2P3 MPI job distribution Independent Processes Master P0 does renderization MPI synchronization Every Process does own i/o

8 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 The User interacts with the Master process for Visualization and Steering Migrating Desktop Application Plugin Java Gvid Decoder Event Interception P0 Master Gvid Encoder Event Reception P1P2 P3 Keyboard Mouse User Screen

9 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 How the whole system works Job Submission Services CrossBroker Logging & Bookkeeping Roaming Access Server Computing Element LRMS Gatekeeper JDL Migrating Desktop RAS port, RAS host 010011000 WorkerNode gLogin Simulation +visualisation SE Simul. Res. 30GB WorkerNode vtk App MP4 Encoder Event Decoder TCP Transport Socket Transport File Transport Pipe Transport remoteGlut Application GVid Java Video Player MP4 Decoder Event Encoder TCP Transport Socket Transport File Transport Pipe Transport

10 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 Java plugin for the Migrating Desktop pn=new MyPanel(); pn.setBorder(new MyTitledBorder("Simulation profile")); GridBagConstraints gbc1=new GridBagConstraints(); gbc1.insets=new Insets(2,2,2,2); gbc1.gridy=0; gbc1.anchor=GridBagConstraints.WEST; GridBagLayout gbl1=new GridBagLayout(); pn.setLayout(gbl1); String[] profile_labels={ "Electronic Temperature", "Ionic Temperature", "Density", "Electric Field", "Whole Profile"}; for(i=0;i<profile_labels.length;i++) { JLabel label=new JLabel(profile_labels[i]); gbc1.gridy=i; gbl1.setConstraints(label,gbc1); pn.add(label); }

11 1st year Review Interactive European Grid, Brussels 30th May 2007 Simulation steering on the Migrating Desktop

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