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One week course for European teachers of English Sat 5 October- Sun 13 Oct 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "One week course for European teachers of English Sat 5 October- Sun 13 Oct 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 One week course for European teachers of English Sat 5 October- Sun 13 Oct 2013

2 Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom – Graham Workman Graham Workman Find someone who…. (literature) Poetry: “The couple upstairs” by H. Williams Poetry: “Still I Rise” by M. Angelou “Mirror” by S. Plath “ A Martian sends a postcard home” by C. Raine Creative Writing: musical stories making similes limericks Short stories: “Indian camp” by E. Hemigway “I can play schools” by M.C. Jenkins “A message from the Pig-man” “Charles” by S. Jackson

3 Shakespeare’s theatre Lorna Smiththeatre Lorna Smith All’s Well That Ends Well: a word cloud silent reading circle reading acting in groups …………having fun

4 Aspects of Life in Modern Britain through Literary Texts Lorna Smith Lorna Smith Poetry: “The Lady of Shallot” by Lord A. Tennyson Poetry “London Breed” by B. Zephaniah “City Lilacs” by H. Dunmore Fiction: “The Road Home” by Rose Tremain (from chp 2) “If nobody speaks of remarkable things” by Jon Mc Gregor (opening )

5 Teaching English as a Foreign Language Diana Hicks Diana Hicks Priorities: why we are here Language: BICS – CALP Language: Action Research Learners’ styles Teaching is about the process of learning Teaching Teaching grammar, language chunks, reading, writinggrammar, language chunks, readingwriting Homework and assessment Dyslexia Changes in Language Learning/Teaching Changes

6 New Developments in the English Language Diana Hicks English as a Lingua Franca Flexibility Comprehensibility Contextualization Literary texts

7 Poetry café…Fred D’Aguiar

8 Theatre ‘To Sir with Love’, Everyman Theatre Cheltenham ‘A Mad Worl My Masters’, a comedy by T. Middleton at The Swan in StratfordA Mad Worl My Masters’, a comedy by T. Middleton at The Swan in Stratford

9 Sightseeing ………

10 Making friends….

11 ….. back to school a folder with all the materials of the course in the language lab a presentation on the school website sharing materials for dyslexia and non with colleagues through the mailing list of DSA Cafis Uniromatre/ gruppo lingue straniere maintaning contact with other teachers of the course experimenting new ideas and looking at things from a different point of view M. Rita Simeoni created 03. Nov. 2013

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