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By Ike, Margot, Stuti, Heidi.  Prometheus was a Titan.  The name Prometheus means “forethought”.  He was considered the wise man and predicted the.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ike, Margot, Stuti, Heidi.  Prometheus was a Titan.  The name Prometheus means “forethought”.  He was considered the wise man and predicted the."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ike, Margot, Stuti, Heidi

2  Prometheus was a Titan.  The name Prometheus means “forethought”.  He was considered the wise man and predicted the future.  He sided with the gods in the god vs. Titan war.

3 Prometheus holding fire.

4  Prometheus created the humans out of lumps of clay in the shape of the gods.  Athena blew on the lumps of clay and then lumps came to life.  Zeus then confined them to Earth

5  Prometheus felt bad for the humans.  Zeus was never fond of how the humans would turn out, so he would destroy them.  The humans couldn’t make it through the harsh winters.  Prometheus decided to help them and he gave them fire, a power that was previously only for the gods.

6  Since fire was supposed to be a power for only the gods, Zeus decided that he should be punished.  Prometheus was chained to a mountain and had his liver ripped out and eaten by an eagle each day.

7 PROMETHEUS MYTH  Prometheus created life and helped the humans to be able to survive. FRANKENSTEIN  Dr. Frankenstein created life out of nothing and created the Frankenstein monster from dead body parts.

8  Works Cited "The Context of Frankenstein » Literary Context » The Prometheus Myth » Frankenstein Study Guide from" Free English Literature Study Guides - Web. 14 Nov. 2011.. "Frankenstein and the Prometheus Myth: A Modern Re-writing of the Greek Myths by Mary Shelley |" Louise O'brien | 19 Feb. 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2011.. "Prometheus - Myth Encyclopedia - Mythology, Greek, God, Story, Names, Famous, Animal, War, World, Roman." Encyclopedia of Myths. Web. 16 Nov. 2011..

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