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Cuteness in Japanese Culture Aka Kawaii Culture By Group 2.

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1 Cuteness in Japanese Culture Aka Kawaii Culture By Group 2

2  Kawaii in Japanese literally means lovable, cute or adorable.  Since the 70’s, “cuteness” or Kawaii has become a prominent aspect of Japanese popular culture. What is Kawaii?

3  Popular culture includes entertainment, clothing, food, toys, personal appearance, behavior, and mannerisms.  Women and men alike act “cute” which is totally acceptable and expected in their culture. Japanese Popular Culture

4  During the Shogunate period, women came to be described as Kawaii as the perception of women from being animalistic became replaced with the conception of women as docile.  Kawaii also emerged and developed in teenage girls’ handwriting and fashion. In History

5  Because of the growing cute trend, Sanrio released Hello Kitty which became wildly popular.  Currently, Sanrio’s line of over 50 characters takes in more than $1 billion a year and it remains the most successful company to capitalize on the cute trend. Sanrio

6  PIKACHU Popular Cute Characters

7 Hello Kitty

8 Tarepanda

9 Rilakkuma Bear

10 Doraemon

11  As a cultural phenomenon, cuteness is increasingly accepted in Japan as a part of their culture and national identity.  Tomoyuki Sugiyama 杉山奉文 author of “Cool Japan”, believes that “cuteness” is rooted in Japan’s harmony-loving culture, and Nobuyoshi Kurita 栗田経 惟, a sociology professor at Musashi University in Tokyo, has stated that “cute” is a “magic term” that encompasses everything that is acceptable and desirable in Japan. Perception in Japan

12 Thank you for listening! Sources: Google images

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