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1 Nervous System Endocrine System Chapter 15 – Endocrine System.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Nervous System Endocrine System Chapter 15 – Endocrine System."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Nervous System Endocrine System Chapter 15 – Endocrine System

2 2 Water-soluble hormones Lipid-soluble hormones

3 3 Top Ten Glands of the Endocrine System GlandLocationHormone produced Action of hormone

4 4 The Endocrine System: How It Functions Glands secrete _________________ directly into the ______________________ Hormones travel ________________________________________________________ Six Major Glands: ___________________ run throughout each gland. Hormones are secreted into ______________________________ Hormones travel freely through ______________________________ Hormones travel _________________ in the body. Hormones only influence ______________________________________________ Every target cell has __________________________ which the hormone __________________________________ Receptors may be located _________________________________ or ________________________________ A cell that is not a target of a specific hormone has ________________________________, and therefore is ________________________

5 5 Additional Notes:

6 6

7 Fig. 15.1 7 TITLE: Compare neurotransmitters and hormones: Contrast neurotransmitters and hormones:

8 Fig. 15.2 8 TITLE: Explain why salivary and sweat glands are not part of the endocrine system.

9 Table 15.1 9

10 Fig. 15.3 10 TITLE: How do hormones exit the capillary? Explain why hormones do not affect nontarget cells:

11 Fig. 15.4 11 TITLE: Explain the differences between peptide hormones and steroid hormones. Give an example of each:

12 Fig. 15.6 12 TITLE:

13 Fig. 15.7 13 TITLE:

14 Fig. 15.11 14 TITLE:

15 Fig. 15.12 15 TITLE:

16 Fig. 15.13 16 TITLE:

17 Fig. 15.17 17 TITLE:

18 Fig. 15.18 18 TITLE: Explain the significance of the blood glucose level of a diabetic vs a nondiabetic. Explain why there is glucose in the urine of a diabetic person after a meal:

19 19 Type I DiabetesType II Diabetes Cause Mode of Action Physiological Effects Treatment

20 Fig. 15.19 20 TITLE: MALE FEMALE

21 Fig. 15.21 21

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