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Consultative Board for Armenian and Georgian EaP National Platforms.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultative Board for Armenian and Georgian EaP National Platforms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultative Board for Armenian and Georgian EaP National Platforms

2  European integration of South Caucasus countries needs more efficient civil society involvement  Regional framework of civil society involvement has to be developed in order to address the actual needs of region’s European integration  Commitment to European integration agenda in Armenian and Georgian civil societies needs to be put in structured and synchronized framework of cooperation  Regular information and experience sharing on democratic participation among Armenian and Georgian CSOs needs to be promoted

3  Development of framework for joint activities on European and regional integration among Georgian and Armenian CSOs

4  To establish civil society network to facilitate dialogue between EaP National Platforms  To create a regular Consultative Board for EaP National Platforms of Armenia and Georgia  To establish a mechanism for immediate information exchange and response on urgent issues of concern based on European Integration agenda

5  To facilitate experience and information sharing on regular basis  To create an environment to support existing multilateral frameworks on issues related to European integration  To create online platform for regular communication between CSOs involved in National Platforms

6  Agreement on creation of bilateral Consultative Board on issues of mutual concern between EaP National Platforms in Armenia and Georgia  Election of delegates of Armenian and Georgian EaP National Platforms to the Board which will operate on regular (meeting once in two months) and permanent (online communication) basis;  Discussion and elaboration of recommendations on issues of mutual concern for EaP NPs:  Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law;  Economy and bilateral cooperation (including cross-border cooperation and synchronization of legislation on customs regulations);  Environment and sustainable development;  Etc.

7  Facilitation and immediate sharing of experience and information among EaP NPs  Consulting relevant NPs on coordination with each other  Coordination of implementation, presentation and follow up of the annual bilateral monitoring on European integration in Armenia and Georgia  Facilitation of study visits of CSOs in Armenia and Georgia  Cooperation with respective national governments on issues of mutual concerns (based on European integration agenda)

8  Implementation of activities on awareness raising in regards to Armenian-Georgian relations (via media)  Launching the web-portals by Each of the NPs which will be assisted by the Consultative Board in terms of reflecting information on ongoing developments in Armenia and Georgia  Publishing of biannual/annual joint/multilingual bulletins

9  CSOs working on issues of bilateral Georgian-Armenian relations will be more involved in European integration frameworks  Skills to conduct joint activities on Armenian-Georgian relations will be improved  Elaboration of joint agenda on European integration will be in relevance with needs of democratic development of Armenia and Georgia  Culture of joint actions will be developed in general public  Confidence-building mechanisms in bilateral relations will be set in place

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