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Qualifications are changing Curriculum Update Event – Stirling Management Centre Friday 18 th May 2012 Health and Wellbeing.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualifications are changing Curriculum Update Event – Stirling Management Centre Friday 18 th May 2012 Health and Wellbeing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualifications are changing Curriculum Update Event – Stirling Management Centre Friday 18 th May 2012 Health and Wellbeing

2 Qualifications development Building on the Experiences and Outcomes, principles and practice and the best of current practice CfE aims, values and principles: Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance

3 Qualifications development Progression – provide progression from Es & Os and maximise curricular continuity between levels Hierarchical structures – use where ever possible and facilitated by skills-based outcomes Flexible evidence requirements – support for choice in assessment methods and instruments especially in Unit requirements More opportunities for combined integrative assessment Credit for positive achievement Challenge and enjoyment – refreshed and relevant contexts Personalisation and Choice – Added Value Unit at National 4 and non-question paper component of Course Assessment at National 5 and Higher

4 Whats different? Qualifications are more skills based than before – includes application of knowledge and understanding Outcomes and broad-based leaving flexibility for combining or integrating assessment when appropriate Introduction of Non-question paper component to Courses

5 Engagement Local Authorities and Colleges Subject specialists and professional associations Learner engagement CARG / QDT / SWGs CfE Liaison Team Have your say

6 National Qualifications SCQF Level PsychologySociologyPhilosophyCareChildcare and Development 6Higher 5National 5 4National 4 HWB Subjects

7 National Qualifications Awards SCQF Level Health and Food Technology Fashion and Textile Technology Physical Education Wellbeing Award Personal Development Award 7Advanced Higher 6Higher 5National 5 4National 4 3Access 3 HWB Subjects…continued

8 Key messages Progression – from People and Society (National 4) to Psychology, Sociology and/or Philosophy (National 5) Question paper and assignment incorporated into Course assessment for Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy Assignment/Project as Course Assessment for Care and Childcare and Development Courses Performance and Portfolio as Course assessment for PE

9 Key messages continued… Fashion and Textile Technology has a practical focus Health and Food Technology incorporates opportunities for practical work Personal Development and Wellbeing Awards provide flexibility for learners are marked and assessed by schools and colleges and do not have any external assessment or exams

10 Task

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