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Healthwatch Wiltshire Julie Martin 2 nd February 2013.

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1 Healthwatch Wiltshire Julie Martin 2 nd February 2013

2 What will Local Healthwatch look like? Healthwatch will be the independent consumer champion for the public. It will involve patients and the public in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local health and care services. Healthwatch will represent the whole community. Healthwatch will be a social enterprise Healthwatch will replace the Local Involvement Networks.

3 What will Local Healthwatch look like? It will provide information on local health and social care services. It will help people access and make choices about their care. Healthwatch will be credible, efficient and effective Healthwatch will be represented on the Health & Wellbeing Board and the Board of the Clinical Commissioning Group Have a link to Healthwatch England

4 Gateway to Information, Advice Watchdog Healthwatch Vision Health & Social care Champion

5 Healthwatch Wiltshire Chairman 4 executive committee members ? WSUN CAB TenantsSWAN WPFWCIL Carers Support GROW WfCAP Older people’s forum Young carers CAYPIG WPCC Patient participation Groups Wessex CA Age UK Wiltshire CIC Mental Health Forum ? Health and Wellbeing Board Clinical Commissioning Group Board Joint Adult Social care Commissioning Board Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Wider Public Membership Area Boards Healthwatch England

6 In short Healthwatch Wiltshire will be the organisation that ‘co- ordinates’ key stakeholders to work together under the local Healthwatch network with their collective voice being represented at a Wiltshire level by an empowered and skilful representative on the Health and Wellbeing Board who is given equal weight and voice by other members of the Board

7 What will Local Healthwatch look like? Current situation and next steps

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