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It’s a land of physical contrasts It’ a land with a variety of natural resources It’s a nation of risk-takers.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a land of physical contrasts It’ a land with a variety of natural resources It’s a nation of risk-takers."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a land of physical contrasts It’ a land with a variety of natural resources It’s a nation of risk-takers

2 In South Dakota there is Mount Rushmore Memorial. You can see 4 granite faces of outstanding presidents of the USA. The 1st is George Washington, the Commander-in-Chief of the American Colonial Army in the War of Independence. He was the first president of the USA who found the place for its capital. So, the capital of the USA has his name. The 2nd face is Thomas Jefferson’s face, the 3rd president who signed the Declaration of Independence. The 3rd face is of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA. His ideas about freedom for the black slaves were popular and in the war of the North and South Negroes got freedom. The 4th face is of Theodore Roosevelt- the 26th president of the USA who was one of the progressists. His reforms were against war politics and nature guarding. John Kennedy, the 35th president was popular and very democratic, who was killed by the enemies. New York International Airport and Space Centre in Florida were named after his name.

3 Tasks for the groups: The 1 st group – to make a plan of the text with all important dates The 2 nd group – to characterize Abraham Lincoln as a man and a politician The 3 rd group – to answer the question: “Why do the American people think that Abraham Lincoln is a symbol of an American democracy?

4 “Who wants to get 5?”

5 The Native Americans were ….. a) The Italians b) the Indians c) the Vikings The pilgrims came to America in….. a) 1620 b) 1630 c) 1640 On the American state there are……. horizontal stripes. a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 The Americans celebrate Independence Day on the…… a) 4th of June b) 4th of July c) 4th of August America is the …….. largest nation in the world a) second b) third c) fourth The largest city in the United States is….. a) Chicago b) New York c) Los Angeles Alaska is separated from Russia by….. a) the Okhotsk sea b) the English channel c) the Bering Strait The Northern part of the USA has a region of …….. a) 4 Great Lakes b) 5 Great Lakes c) 6 Great Lakes

6 1) Who discovered America in 1492? 2) Why a new part of the world was called America? 3) What do the stripes and stars represent on the American flag? 4) Why does the capital of the USA have George Washington’s name? 5) What countries is the USA bordered by? 6) What oceans is the USA washed by? 7) What is the biggest religious holiday in the USA? 8) What is the largest state in America?

7 Music. The American nation was formed of people of different nationalities who went to America from Europe, Asia and Africa in search of better conditions of life. These people brought songs of their native lands to America. These were English, French, Russian, Irish, Scottish songs. The style in which people created their songs was named “country” or “western”. These songs are about labor, country holidays, beautiful villages, adventures of cowboys.

8 The American nation was formed of people of different nationalities who went to America from1)……2) ……and 3) …….in search of better conditions of life. These people brought songs of their native lands to America. These were 4)……, 5)……, 6)……, 7)……, 8)…….songs. The style in which people created their songs was named “…….” or “………”.These songs are about labor, country 9)……, beautiful 10)……, adventures of 11)……..

9 1. America is the …….largest nation in the world. 2. …………….discovered America in 1492. 3. A new part of the world was called America after………. 4. The stripes and stars on the American flag represent…………… 5. America is a………………..republic. 6. ……………. was the first president of the USA who …………… 7. Abraham Lincoln is a symbol of ……………………. 8. Lincoln’s ideas about ……………. were popular. 9. People admire Lincoln for …………….. 10. They admire him because he …………… 11. The American nation was formed of people of different nationalities who went to America from ……………….. 12. The style in which people created their songs was named “…” or “…”.

10 I find information about……………..very interesting. Information about………………… new for me. The most useful information for me is information about……………….

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