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LA9U2 Novel Unit: The Pigman

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1 LA9U2 Novel Unit: The Pigman
English Language Arts 9 LA9U2 Novel Unit: The Pigman

2 Agenda for the Day Exploring “The Writer’s Tool Box: Suspense and Foreshadowing. Character Sketch Climax and Resolution Final Novel Project Exam Any general questions before we begin?

3 Writer’s Tool Box Flashback: sends you back to an earlier event. The writer may use words or phrases such as I remember when or a few years earlier. 2. Figurative Language: builds comparisons and creates special effects that help you understand characters, places and ideas. (Simile, metaphor, personification). 3. Mood: is the feeling or atmosphere you get from the story. It may be peaceful, scary, gloomy, funny, weird, or sad. 4. Symbolism: is the use of an object to represent an idea or feeling such as a dove to stand for peace.

4 Continue… 5. Sensory Language: helps you share sights, sounds,
and other sense experiences with the characters. 6. Characterization: is the description of a character’s looks, behavior, motives, emotions and personality. 7. Foreshadowing: is a clue that may create suspense by Hinting at things to come. 8. Suspense: Another way that authors keep readers interested is to create a sense of suspense. Suspense is a feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or dread about what will happen next.

5 How Does Zindel Build Suspense?

6 Character Sketch A character sketch paints a portrait of a real person or a fictional character, using words that convey a clear impression of physical appearance and personality. Aspects of personality may be revealed through physical detail, setting, objects, action, dialogue, or observers. The sketch may begin with a single overall impression of the character, then provide details to support this impression.

7 Characterization Another way to analyze the character is to determine how they have changed/grown. A dynamic character is one who changes his/her outlook and attitude because of what happens in the story. a character who remains the same throughout the story is referred to as static.

8 Dynamic Characters

9 Static Characters

10 “A House is not a Home” Discussion: What is the difference between a house and a home?

11 Continue… In looking at where our characters live; which would you call a house and which would you call a home? Why?

12 Climax and Resolution In a novel or short story, the climax is the moment when the central conflict comes to a head. The resolution is the point at which the central conflict is settled or resolved. As in real life, resolutions are not always happy or complete. Everyone does not necessarily live happily ever after and not all conflicts are completely resovled.

13 Plot Diagram

14 Where do they Occur in the Pigman?
Climax: Resolution:

15 What does the future hold for our characters?

16 Your Thoughts on the Novel

17 Vocabulary Hors d’oeuvres Hovel Incongruous Infantile proficiency

18 Novel Project

19 Novel Exam

20 What’s Coming Up? Short Story Unit Any questions??

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