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System Leadership Keith Grimwade January 2013. Single SchoolCo-headship Executive Headship Federation Trust Collaboration / Partnership Academies Converter.

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Presentation on theme: "System Leadership Keith Grimwade January 2013. Single SchoolCo-headship Executive Headship Federation Trust Collaboration / Partnership Academies Converter."— Presentation transcript:

1 System Leadership Keith Grimwade January 2013

2 Single SchoolCo-headship Executive Headship Federation Trust Collaboration / Partnership Academies Converter Academy Sponsored Academy Academy Chain Free Schools School companies National, Local and Specialist Leaders of Education; Advanced Skills Teachers Teaching Schools National Leaders of Governance Head of School A new role for Local Authorities Independent providers: sole trader; for profit company; not for profit company Distributed Leadership Multi Academy Trust Free Schools DfE

3 Why do governing bodies need to know?  There may be compelling reasons for change:  Improving outcomes for children  Addressing workload, capacity and succession issues  Headteacher recruitment  Meeting the needs of children across an area  Responding to local challenges and priorities

4 What should governing bodies do?  What do we want / need to achieve?  How successful and sustainable are our current leadership and support structures / processes?  How could we organise our leadership / support?  What will we do?

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