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OSCE 4 KIANI.A M.D. Interprete the X-ray name the sign.

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Presentation on theme: "OSCE 4 KIANI.A M.D. Interprete the X-ray name the sign."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interprete the X-ray name the sign

3 48 yr F with dyspnea what is the treatment?

4 5 differential diagnosis


6 Chest pain what is your diagnosis?

7 Chest pain and dyspnea?

8 Pleural effusion in RA ?

9 Abdominal pain and obstipation


11 Name the sign

12 “String-of-pearls” sign depicted on CT SBO

13 A 25-year-old woman presented with lower abdominal pain and nausea.

14 Abdominal pain?

15 Obstipation

16 Pelvic pain in a young man

17 A 21-year-old man developed severe headache shortly after awakening. He collapsed soon after his arrival at work

18 Headache

19 What is the problem?

20 WHICH? 1Carcinoma 2sarcoma 3drug reaction 4stevens johnson

21 Fever and leukocytosis?

22 Hemorrhage?

23 Serum of patient with red urine?

24 Fever +RASH +head ache

25 40yrM with 6 mth dyspnea

26 45yr F with chronic dyspnea

27 Knee pain


29 Radiographic findings of advanced JIA. (A) Multilevel cervical apophyseal joint ankylosis. (B) Thoracic kyphosis with diffuse osteoporosis and slight decreased height of the vertebral bodies, probably the result of chronic steroid use. (C) Widening of the trochlear notch (arrow) and joint space narrowing of the knee. (D) Epiphyseal deformity and overgrowth. (E) Irregularity in contour and erosive changes in the carpal bones (arrows). (F) Brachydactyly with shortening of the fourth metatarsal (arrow). (G) Protrusio acetabuli



32 Diffuse sclerosis and irregularity of the sacroiliac joints with bilateral joint space widening (arrows) are characteristic features of sacroiliitis. Corresponding CT scan of the sacroiliac joints confirms the radiographic findings seen in this patient with juvenile ankylosing spondylitis.

33 Right ankle radiograph of this 15-year- old boy

34 Right ankle radiograph of this 15-year-old boy shows loss of the posterior subtalar joint space consistent with partial fusion (short arrow). A small lucency is noted at the supero- posterior aspect of the calcaneus at the insertion of the Achilles tendon, which represents a small erosion (long arrow).


36 A 17-year-old male presents with small plantar calcaneal spurring seen radiographically (short arrows) suggestive of enthesitis. (F) Corresponding STIR MR image of the ankle shows a focal area of high signal intensity, probably representing bone edema, in the posterior aspect at the insertion of the Achilles tendon

37 Knee pain and fissured hand in 17 yr boy

38 11 yr f

39 4 mth old child



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