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Observer Organizations Liaison Officer, Conference Affairs Services Megumi Endo Observer participation in UNFCCC process Aarhus Convention Workshop Geneva,

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Presentation on theme: "Observer Organizations Liaison Officer, Conference Affairs Services Megumi Endo Observer participation in UNFCCC process Aarhus Convention Workshop Geneva,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observer Organizations Liaison Officer, Conference Affairs Services Megumi Endo Observer participation in UNFCCC process Aarhus Convention Workshop Geneva, Switzerland, 24 February 2011

2 Historical overview of participation in UNFCCC COP/CMP

3 Source: Secretariat

4 Increased frequency of UNFCCC conferences: 2005 - 2010

5 Number of new applications and admissions

6 Cumulative admissions of observer organizations

7 Geographical distribution of admitted organizations

8 Participation breakdown by AI - NAI

9 Online Registration System (ORS) Successfully in operation for three conferences since October 2010 What ORS means for the observers Name replacement Fast track badge pick-up Maximize attendance through weekly badges What ORS means for the secretariat Effective management of participation Real time statistics Electronically generated visa support letters Smooth registration of participants on site

10 NGO Party Source: Source: Secretariat

11 Media stunts by NGOs at COP 16/CMP 6 Source: Source: Secretariat

12 Side Events at UNFCCC sessions

13 Side Events at COP 16/CMP 6 Source: Secretariat

14 Exhibits at UNFCCC sessions

15 Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6 Source: Secretariat

16 Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6 Source: Secretariat

17 Exhibits at COP 16/CMP 6 Source: Secretariat

18 Climate Change Studio Source: Secretariat

19 Climate Change Studio Source: Secretariat

20 Climate Change Studio

21 Daily Programme


23 Observer organizations activities at COP 16/CMP 6 Bloggers Loft Source: Secretariat

24 Constituencies Six groups with constituency status: BINGO, ENGO, IPO, LGMA, RINGO, TUNGO Three groups with provisional status, pending review before COP 17/CMP 7: Farmers, Women and Gender, and YOUNGO DatesNumber of participantsNumber of constituencies 4-Mar-10219 8-Jun-10199 3-Aug-10239 5-Oct-10149 2-Dec-10259 10-Mar-11 Constituency Focal Points Meetings

25 Interventions in the formal process

26 Constituencies Provision of services to constituencies  Provision of fully equipped office space at COPs for each constituency  Dedicated ENGO and BINGO meeting rooms at COPs  Dedicated ENGO and BINGO constituency offices at SBs  Facilitation of interventions during the official meetings  Facilitation of bilateral meetings with UNFCCC officials and Chairs of the Convention bodies  Invitations to workshops  Since 2010, funding to attend the Constituency Focal Points Meeting held at the secretariat offices in Bonn

27 UNFCCC and social media


29 UNFCCC Newsletter

30 Climate Change Information Network

31 Other services and modes of engagement Availability of draft negotiating texts High Level Segment – speaking slots for civil society Besides briefings by Executive Secretary, Chairs and COP President, other dialogue events by Heads of Government (President Calderon’s, President Evo Morales) In consultation with host countries, ensure provision of adequate space even for non- admitted organizations during the COP/CMP (Climate Change Village at COP 16/CMP 6, Klimaforum09 in COP 15/CMP 5, Foro del Buen Ayre at COP 10, COP 3, etc) Submissions: SBI conclusions; also from non-admitted organizations

32 Conclusions Parties always welcomed and promoted observer participation Guidance and mandates to the secretariat Stakeholder engagement review in 2010 COP 15/CMP 5 an exception, by no means the rule Current SBI discussions; synthesis report, in-session workshop in June 2011

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