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Carol Ann Duffy Poet Laureate. Background Born in Glasgow Raised in England Poet Laureate (appointed 2009) Public poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Carol Ann Duffy Poet Laureate. Background Born in Glasgow Raised in England Poet Laureate (appointed 2009) Public poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carol Ann Duffy Poet Laureate

2 Background Born in Glasgow Raised in England Poet Laureate (appointed 2009) Public poetry

3 Style Everyday language Appeals to students “Entry level?” “I'm not interested, as a poet, in words like 'plash' - Seamus Heaney words, interesting words. I like to use simple words but in a complicated way.”

4 Examples of her work See handout "You sat on your desk,/ swinging your legs, reading a poem by Yeats/ to the bored girls, except my heart stumbled and blushed/ as it fell in love with the words and I saw the tree/ in the scratched old desk under my hands, heard the bird in the oak outside scribble itself on the air."

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