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Bacon’s Bits (Of Wisdom)

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Presentation on theme: "Bacon’s Bits (Of Wisdom)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacon’s Bits (Of Wisdom)
A Critical Reading of “The Four Idols”

2 Why Bacon Wrote “The Four Idols”
Prove Aristotelian logic wrong Thought deductive logic produced error

3 Main Rhetorical Structure
Enumeration 1. Idols of the Tribe 2. Idols of the Cave 3. Idols of the Marketplace 4. Idols of the Theater Gives preview of each before going into detail

4 Idols of the Tribe Human nature to assume order
Emotion clouds objective reality What makes us human limits understanding Things unseen lead to superstition (spirits) Nature is chaotic Reminds me of Michael Shermer’s The Believing Brain

5 Idols of the Cave Individual subjectivity clouds truth
Want something to be true, even though it is not Deals with a person’s own interests/proclivities Reminds me of the concept of “qualia” Ramachandran discusses

6 Idols of the Marketplace
Deals with language Language can obscure meaning Definition is important: “terrorist” for example Cleave and cleave Reminds me again of Socrates and Derrida

7 Idols of the Theater Traditional systems of thought that cloud truth
Religion Faith Superstition Example: “Earth is the center of the universe.”

8 Criticism for “The Four Idols”
Bacon never foresaw the hypothesis as a tool for science Deduction and induction can be used in conjunction for greater effect

9 Discussion Questions 1. Do you agree with Bacon?
2. What is an example of a current Idol of the Tribe? 3. What is an example of a current Idol of the Cave? 4. What is an example of a current Idol of the Marketplace? 5. What is an example of a current Idol of the Theater? 6. Do you feel that this has some relevance for your life? 7. How does this fit with what we have discussed with Daytripper?

10 What’s The Warrant Bacon’s underlying assumption (warrant) in this essay is that if people understand these four ways that we may be distracted from objective truth/reality, we can avoid moving away from truth and, instead, move toward it.

11 Fin I couldn’t resist adding a picture 

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