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Primary Document You will be constructing a MAIN IDEA for your document Read the document and think of 1 MAIN IDEA for the entire document Back up your.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Document You will be constructing a MAIN IDEA for your document Read the document and think of 1 MAIN IDEA for the entire document Back up your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Document You will be constructing a MAIN IDEA for your document Read the document and think of 1 MAIN IDEA for the entire document Back up your main idea with a quote from the document (Circle or underline it)

2 A Map of the Known World, pre- 1492

3 Earlier Explorations 1.Islam & the Spice Trade  Silk Road 2. New Player  Europe Nicolo, Maffeo, & Marco Polo, 1271 Expansion becomes a state enterprise  monarchs had the authority & the resources. Better seaworthy ships.

4 Motives for European Exploration 1.Crusades  by-pass intermediaries to get to Asia. 2.Renaissance  curiosity about other lands and peoples. 3.Reformation  refugees & missionaries. 4.Monarchs seeking new sources of revenue. 5.Technological advances. 6.Fame and fortune.


6 New Maritime Technologies Hartman Astrolabe (1532) Better Maps [Portulan] Sextant Mariner’s Compass

7 New Weapons and Technology

8 Christopher Columbus [1451-1506]

9 Columbus’ Four Voyages

10 First Encounter 1492 Columbus sailed ocean blue. Looking for India, he landed in West Indies in Caribbean. Raped & pillaged Took all resources to Spain.


12 Were Conquistadors motivated by Gold, Glory, or God? Explain your choice. Spanish soldiers Spanish soldiers Came to conquer! Came to conquer! Accompanied by members of the Catholic Church to convert Native Americans Accompanied by members of the Catholic Church to convert Native Americans

13 Fernando Cortez The First Spanish Conquests: The Aztecs MontezumaMontezuma vs.vs.


15 Tenochtitlan Capital of the Aztec Empire Hernando Cortes finds it in 1520’s Montezuma thinks Cortes is a God and gives him gold Cortes – 600 soldiers Aztecs – 150,000 – 300,000 people….How did they lose?

16 The Death of Montezuma

17 Mexico Surrenders to Cortez

18 Europeans brought smallpox, tuberculosis and measles Unintentional Natives had no resistance Millions died –80% of the Native population GERMS!


20 Francisco Pizarro The First Spanish Conquests: The Incas Atahualpa vs.

21 Spanish Pattern of Conquest Step 1: Live among the people Step 2: Impose upon them your culture Step 3: Marry their women Step 4: Force your religion on them Step 5: Make them work for you (Ecomienda) Ecomienda was eventually abolished by Spanish Government in 1542.

22 Cycle of Conquest & Colonization Explorers Conquistadores Missionaries Permanent Settlers Official European Colony!

23 The Colonial Class System Peninsulares (Spanish Born) Creoles (White Person born in New World – Spanish Descent) Mestizos (Mix of Spanish/Indian) Mulattos (Mix of Spanish and Black) Native Indians Black Slaves

24 European Empires in the Americas

25 Juan Ponce de Leon goes to Florida

26 Spain in America Fighting Indians, lack of food, resources, and money force Spain to leave Florida in 1562. Within months France comes to FL Spain comes back – forces France out – est. St. Augustine in 1565 Build Christian Missions and forts in the Southwest Est. presidios in Southwest and force Native Americans to congregacions

27 If Spain had never explored the New World… 1 2 3 Explain why it is important to study the Spanish Conquest of the New World 1 st Colonial Empire Europe Produced in the New World Biggest Colonial Empire since the fall of Rome Wealthiest Colonial Empire 16 th Cen – Spain is most powerful.

28 Bartolome de las Casas – First Defender of Native Americans Rushed to see Columbus when he was 9 years old Conquistador –Voyaged to Americas (Haiti and Dominican Republic) –Managed slaves and trained to be a priest to convert Native Americans and earned wealth Change of Heart –1513 Cuban Massacre: Saw Spanish massacre Native Americans that welcomed them –Urged people to give up Indian Slaves and pay back money –1537 – Pope wrote Native Americans are free humans –1542 – Charles V banned Indian Slavery

29 Impact of European Expansion 1.Native populations ravaged by disease. 2.Influx of gold 3.New products introduced across the continents 4.Deepened colonial rivalries.

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