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You are listening to “A MIGHTLY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD”. It was written by MARTIN LUTHER, a German Monk who based it on a PSALM from the BIBLE. You are listening.

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Presentation on theme: "You are listening to “A MIGHTLY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD”. It was written by MARTIN LUTHER, a German Monk who based it on a PSALM from the BIBLE. You are listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are listening to “A MIGHTLY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD”. It was written by MARTIN LUTHER, a German Monk who based it on a PSALM from the BIBLE. You are listening to “A “A MIGHTLY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD”. GOD”. It was written by MARTIN LUTHER, LUTHER, a German Monk who based it on a PSALM from the BIBLE.

2 Luther saw a need to change the corruption he saw in the Catholic Church- His protest gave rise to the word “ PROTESTANT ” Wipeout !

3 Now you are listening to Gary Hoey’s “WIPEOUT” because that is exactly what Luther did to the Catholic Church’s monopoly of Christianity

4 The printing press makes the spread of ideas possible Thanks to Johannes Gutenberg, everyone, not just the wealthy, could learn from the printed word.

5 What is an Indulgence ?

6 Luther wrote The 95 Theses Or arguments and nailed them to the castle door at Wittenberg. He attacked the ”Pardon Merchants” and challenged debate on the issue.

7 Won’t break now, I’m cleansed with hopefulness. REFORMATION The REFORMATION begins Someone copied Luther’s words and brought them to a printer Within six months Luther’s name was known all over Germany I believe all hope is dead no longer. Can’t break now, I’ve been living for this.

8 Christ Alone! The Bible Alone! Faith Alone! Grace Alone! Christ Alone! The Bible Alone! Faith Alone! Grace Alone! The Four Pillars of the Reformation

9 Luther’s supporters burn the Pope’s response Pope Leo X issued a PAPAL BULL (Official Statement) threatening Luther with EXCOMMUNICATION unless he took back what he said.

10 The German Emperor summoned Luther to the Diet of Worms Luther refused to back down and was declared a Luther refused to back down and was declared a HERETIC No one was to give him food and his books were to be burned Luther refused to back down and was declared a Luther refused to back down and was declared a HERETIC No one was to give him food and his books were to be burned I cannot take back anything!

11 LUTHER then began what is today known as the Lutheran Church There are over 6,100 in the United States alone! LUTHER then began what is today known as the Lutheran Church There are over 6,100 in the United States alone!




15 John Calvin and founded the Presbyterian Church

16 Calvin believed that all governments should be run by church leaders- this is called a Theocracy

17 Calvin believed in Predestination - God knew who was going to be saved and who wasn’t even before you were born

18 Protestantism spread to England

19 Henry’s Church today is known as the Episcopal Church

20 Christian basic beliefs Jesus Christ is the Son of the one true God. There is a soul, which lives on forever. There is a heaven and a hell. Jesus Christ is the Son of the one true God. There is a soul, which lives on forever. There is a heaven and a hell.

21 A tour of Ramsey houses of worship- and beyond










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