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MELASMA Differential diagnosis

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1 MELASMA Differential diagnosis
Greek : melas = black Complex and chronic dysfunction pigmentary system « acquired hypermelanosis of the face » Dr LE PILLOUER-PROST A, MD Marseille Dr PASSERON T., CHU Nice

2 Clinical aspects Brown or blue-gray macules of the face
bilateral and symmetrical Irregular edges (geographic) Mediofacial +++ : forehead, cheeks, upper lip, nose, chin Malar +/- Mandibular +/- Stretching test Wood’s light ? Color contrast Classical but « Mixed » +++ (superficial and deep depending on areas) Epidermal 70% Increased contrast Dermal 10-15% No increased contrast Mixed 15-20% Variable : usually no increase

3 Melasma Women 30-40 years old (9 /10) Latino and asians, PT III or IV
Familial history (45%) Frequent diagnosis delay (about 4-5 years) Pregnancy onset : 20% Contraception (estrogens) Solar exposure +++ Chronic disease of the melanocytes (several years) Winter improvement / summer recurrences Unfrequent spontaneous remission (10-15%)


5 Differential diagnosis +++
Acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules : ABNOM ou Naevus de Hori (JAAD 1984) Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation Riehl’s melanosis Perioral hypermelanosis of Brocq Linea fusca Lichen planus actinicus Exogenous ochronosis Cutaneous metal deposits Drug-induced hypermelanosis Poikilodermia Civatte Acquired cutaneous brachial dyschromatosis

6 Acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules : ABNOM ou Hori nevus
Blue gray macules, circumscribed, « crumbled » No improvement during winter nor under topical depigmentant therapy Resistant « melasmas » +++ EE HL et al. Br J Dermatol. 2006;154:50-3

7 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIHP)
Hypermelanosis Strictly localized to the inflammatory area (thermal burn, chemical, laser…) Spontaneous remission (several months or years)

8 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIHP)

9 Poïkilodermia (Civatte) / erythrosis coli
Hypermelanosis + Erythema and telangiectasia Epidermal atrophy Follicular papules Submental area sparing

10 Acquired brachial cutaneous dyschromatosis
Middle-aged woman (40 years) Asymptomatic grey-brown macules with geographic borders, interspersed with hypopigmented macules Dorsum of arms, mostly bilateral Often with PK de Civatte No relation ship / estrogens, pregnancy cosmetics

11 Linea Fusca

12 Perioral hypermelanosis of Brocq

13 Differential Diagnosis Clinical cases

14 Clinical case Mr BAR, 35 years Asthma, alopecia areata (teenager)
Rhinoplasty Snowboard / Surf Trader No drug therapy For 18 months Pigmentation of the lateral left side of the nose Sunscreens, topical depigmentant: inefficient

15 Same lesions on tighs and buttocks
with PIHP

16 Same lesions on tighs and buttocks
with PIHP Eczema

17 Clinical case Mme H, 52 years old History « Facial dark macules »
Hepatitis B (1968) Ovariectomy (1970) Hysterectomy (1994) / hémorragies Chest cancer (1997) Radiotherapy Nolvadex Radiotherapy : 2nd cure (2000) Arimidex No other drug « Facial dark macules » Onset: after the first radiotherapy Reccurrence during the second Associated signs : severe asthenia

18 Other folds hyperpigmentation

19 Blood tests Addison disease Severe hypocorticism
Idiopathic (endocrinology tests) Treatment : oral corticoids depending on clinical signs (asthenia +++)

20 Clinical case OUI , 28 years, nurse, PT V
For 2 years, dark macules on the mandibular areas despite solar eviction, topical triple therapy… Questionary : Anxious, asthenia, dry-mouth History: nothing, no pills, no drug, no solar exposure


22 Goujerot-Sjrögen disease
(Histology + IF) : refusal Biological tests Dysimmunity ACAN Native Anti-DNA (SS-A et SS-B) Latex and WR No anticardiolipine nor anticoagulant Plaquenil 3/day Sunscreen Topical corticotherapy Leucodinine B pommade (mequinol)

23 Acquired hypermelanosis
Sun-exposed areas No or few improvement during winter Endocrinopathy Addison Hyperthyroidism Metabolic Hemochromatosis Gaucher disease… Deficiency Pellagra (niacin) Scurvy (vit C) … Drug-induced eruptions Infections and parasitism Tumorales Post-inflammatoires Hematology, rheumatic… clinical examination : skin and mucous areas Questionary, history … Endocrinological tests ACTH (ISR) Thyroid (HT)…

24 Marseille Vieux-Port Notre-Dame de La Garde

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