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CRCT Study Guide Questions. 1.How did the different ideas about governments and economy of the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II lead.

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1 CRCT Study Guide Questions

2 1.How did the different ideas about governments and economy of the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II lead to the Cold War? (What type of government/economy is the United States vs what type of government/economy is the Soviet Union, and why did this cause the conflict?) Communism versus capitalism 2.Why is the Holocaust a significant event of World War II? Killed 6 million Jews 3.What events led to the reunification of Germany? The fall of the Soviet union and the tearing down of the Berlin wall

3 CRCT Study Guide Questions 4.What is the relationship between the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, and the end of the Cold War? The collapse of communism/socialism 5.What are the characteristics of the three major religions in Europe (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)? One God, Jesus Christ, Mohamed 6.What are the three major language families in Europe? Germanic, Slavic, Romance

4 CRCT Study Guide Questions 7.How does the literacy rate affect the standard of living or the GDP? Higher literacy rate equals higher standard of living 8.How are the governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia different and how are these governments similar? Federalism, presidential democracy, parliamentary democracy, republics

5 CRCT Study Guide Questions 9.What is the purpose of the European Union? To reduce barriers to trade, single currency, common laws, easier travel 10.What type of government is the European Union (EU)? Confederation 11.What is the name of the currency created and used by members of the EU? Euro

6 CRCT Study Guide Questions 12.What are the major physical features of Europe in your AKS? Mountains, planes, rivers, oceans 13.What are the major countries of Europe in your AKS? Germany, Poland, Russia, England, France, Spain 14.How does climate, access to water, and natural resources affect where Europeans choose to live and work? People live in milder climates and near waterways

7 CRCT Study Guide Questions 15.A human mistake caused the worse nuclear disaster in what country, and what was the name of the nuclear power plant? Ukraine, Chernobyl 16.How are the economic systems of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia similar? capitalism, trade

8 CRCT Study Guide Questions 17.How do trade barriers (tariffs, quotas, and embargoes) slow voluntary trade from occurring between countries? They create barriers like taxes and limits on imports 18.Why is it necessary to exchange currencies for nations to trade? To be able to purchase goods in local currency 19.How does the European Union encourage voluntary trade among its members? Lowering trade barriers like tariffs or quotas

9 CRCT Study Guide Questions 20.What is the most common environmental problem in England? Air pollution, acid rain, smog 21.What environmental problem is causing trees to die in Germany? Acid rain 22.How do the factors of location, climate, and natural resources impact trade in the European nations of the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, and Italy? Rivers and mountains can ease or challenge trade. More people live in milder climates

10 CRCT Study Guide Questions 23.What is the relationship between human capital, capital investment, and gross domestic product (GDP)? Human capital = training, education Capital goods = machinery, buildings Investment in both increases GDP 24.What is an entrepreneur? A person who starts a business

11 CRCT Study Guide Questions 25.How did the existence of large European colonial empires in Africa and Asia impact the outbreak of WWI? Europeans were fighting over colonies around the world 26.The starvation of what citizens lead to a revolution in Europe at the end of World War I? Russia 27.How did the Russian Revolution contribute to instability in Europe during and after WWI? Russia withdrew from World War I because of problems at home

12 CRCT Study Guide Questions 28.How did the Treaty of Versailles and world- wide depression impact Europe in the years between WWI and WWII? reparations, colonial empires 29.How did the idea of Nazism lead to WWII? World domination, extermination of people 30. What was the result in Germany when the Soviet Union collapsed? Germany reunified

13 CRCT Study Guide Questions 31.How did European exploration impact European development? It increased European wealth and inventions 32.What were some of the reasons the Europeans began to explore on the oceans outside of Europe? Gold, glory, God

14 CRCT Study Guide Questions 33. What factors, including the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator, influenced European nations to begin overseas exploration? colonies and wealth 34.Why did European nations build colonial empires in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia? resources, people, convicts 35.What was the main reason for slaves in the Americas? To replace Native Americans in labor

15 CRCT Study Guide Questions 36.What are the main physical features of Latin America? Amazon River, Atacama Desert, Andes Mountains Gulf of Mexico 37.What are the main political features of Latin America? Oligarchy, dictatorship, democracies 38.What lasting impact did the Cuban Revolution have on Cuba and the region? Communism, dictatorship, trade relationships

16 CRCT Study Guide Questions 39.How did the Zapatista guerilla movement affect Mexico? Helped the poor farmers 40.What was the worst outcome of the Columbian Exchange for the natives of the Americas? Killed many Native Americans

17 CRCT Study Guide Questions 41.What was the best outcome of the Columbian Exchange for the natives of the Americas? Exchanged new ideas, foods, plants 42.What was Triangular Trade? The trade between Europe, Africa, and the New World 43.Who defeated the Aztecs? Cortes

18 CRCT Study Guide Questions 44.Who defeated the Incas? Pizarro 45.Who liberated Mexico? Miguel Hidalgo 46.Who liberated several countries in South America? Simón Bolivar

19 CRCT Study Guide Questions 47.Who liberated Haiti? Toussaint L’Ouverture 48.How are the federal governments of Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba different? Elections versus dictatorship

20 CRCT Study Guide Questions 49.What are the types of leaders of the governments in Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba, and how are the leaders of these countries chosen? Democracies and elections versus dictatorships 50.What are the voting rights and personal freedoms of citizens in Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba? Citizens must vote in Cuba 51.What is the difference between a parliamentary democracy and a presidential democracy? The Prime Minister is elected by the parliament versus the president is elected by people

21 CRCT Study Guide Questions 52.How has the physical geography and distribution of resources influenced how people have lived in Latin America? The wealthier countries like Brazil have more resources 53.How has the distribution of natural resources affected the economies of the Caribbean? The Caribbean countries need to import many goods 54.What is a major source of pollution in Mexico, and how does the geography add to the problem? Mexico City is located between mountain ranges and traps air pollution

22 CRCT Study Guide Questions 55.What is an environmental issue in the Amazon Rainforest? Reducing the size of the rain forest 56.What is an environmental issue in Venezuela? Oil pollution

23 CRCT Study Guide Questions 57.What is a major source of income for Venezuela, and its chief export? oil 58.What is NAFTA, and what is the purpose of NAFTA? Free trade agreement to reduce taxes or tariffs 59.What countries are part of NAFTA? United States, Canada, Mexico

24 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following 60.Unitary government Single government 61. Federal Government Shared government between central and regional 62.Confederation government Regional government has power, weak government

25 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 63.Autocracy Central government/dictatorship 64.Dictatorship Central government 65.Constitutional Monarchy King/Queen and elected government

26 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 66.Presidential democracy The people elect the president 67. Parliamentary democracy The parliament elects the prime minister 68.Oligarchy Rule by a few

27 CRCT Study Guide Questions 69.Why are most Canadian factories and cities built on rivers? Because easier transportation 70.Where do most Canadians live and why do the live there? Along the border between the United States and Canada 71.How did Canada gain its independence from Great Britain? Peacefully

28 CRCT Study Guide Questions 72.What language to the people of Quebec speak, and why are they sometimes called “separatists?” French, and they want to separate from Canada 73.What type of government does Canada have? Parliamentary democracy 74.What are the physical features of Canada? Rocky Mountains, St. Lawrence seaway, Hudson Bay 75.What are the most abundant resources in the Canadian Shield? Minerals

29 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 76.Traditional Economy Family, bartering 77.Market EconomyNo regulation 78.Mixed Economy Limited regulation 79.Command Economy Central regulation

30 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 80.Factors of Production Labor, resources, capital 81.Human CapitalTraining, education 82.Capital GoodsMachinery, buildings 83.EntrepreneurshipCreate small business

31 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 84.Natural ResourcesAppears naturally like mountains, rivers, planes 85.Specialization Concentrate on producing one item 86.ScarcityLack of resources 87.Comparative Advantage One country having better resources than another

32 CRCT Study Guide Questions Define the following: 88.Economic Systems The type of economy like capitalism or communism 89.Currency Exchange The exchange of money

33 CRCT Study Guide Questions 88.What kind of economy is regulated by the government, but also has private ownership of property and business? Mixed economy 89.If a country invests in education and training they are investing in their what? Human capital 90.If a country invests in technology and materials for business, they are investing in their what? Capital goods

34 CRCT Study Guide Questions 91.What does a tariff do to an import when the producer sells it? Places a tax on it and increases the price 92.How does a quota slow down trade, and how does it raise the price of the product? Limits the number of available to purchase and increases the price 93.What is the main religion of Latin America? Roman Catholicism

35 CRCT Study Guide Questions 94.Why is Latin America is called “Latin America?” Because many of the languages spoken had their origins in Latin 95.What was the long term effect of the colonization of the Americas by the Europeans, and the Triangular Trade? Increased the wealth of European nations and spread religion 96.What was the “Scramble for Africa,” and what did it lead to? European countries were dividing up Africa for colonies and it led to world war I and World War II

36 CRCT Study Guide Questions 97.What was the Cold War, and who were the countries “fighting” in the Cold War? The Cold War was the fighting about ideas like capitalism and communism, USSR, US 98.Who is the leader of Canada and what is his or her title? Queen Elizabeth II 99.What is the role of the legislature in Canada? To pass laws and elect their leader

37 CRCT Study Guide Questions 100.What role does the citizen have as a participant in Canada’s government? To elect their parliamentary representatives 101.How have the French and English influenced the languages and religions of Canada? Canada is a bilingual country 102.What are the environmental concerns in Canada? Global warming and reduction in fish along the coast

38 CRCT Study Guide Questions 103.What are the MAIN reasons that lead to the outbreak of World War I? Colonization, killing of Archduke Ferdinand, and international alliances 104. What was “Berlin Wall,” and why was it important? The wall surrounded West Berlin and was a symbol between communism and Western countries 105.What was NATO? A defense alliance between Western countries in Europe

39 CRCT Study Guide Questions 106.What was the Warsaw Pact? A defense alliance for the nations of the Soviet Union 107. Why was Germany divided into East and West sides at the end of World War I? Because countries feared Germany as a military power and to separate communist countries from capitalist countries 108.What was the Industrial Revolution? The introduction of machinery into manufacturing

40 CRCT Study Guide Questions 109.Who was Prince Henry the Navigator, where was he from, and what did he do? Prince Henry invented navigational equipment and created maps and he lived in Portugal 110.What country mapped and discovered a water route to Asia by going around the southern coast of Africa? Portugal

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