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PARLI PROS Conducting Meetings To Teach State Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "PARLI PROS Conducting Meetings To Teach State Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARLI PROS Conducting Meetings To Teach State Standards

2 OBJECTIVES  Briefly discuss the Parliamentary Procedure & FFA Ceremonies CDEs  Highlight State Standards relating to parliamentary procedure  Explore ways in which parliamentary procedure can assist in TEAM evaluations  Investigate promising practices for incorporating parliamentary procedure into classroom curriculum  Discuss tips for preparing students to compete in the Parliamentary Procedure CDE

3 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE  6 person team  Knowledge exam  Demonstration 10 minutes to present  Oral questions One per member 4 minutes about demonstration  Minutes

4 FFA CEREMONIES  7 person team – grades 7-9  Knowledge exam  Demonstration

5 STATE STANDARDS  Greenhouse Management  Standard 11.0 The student will develop premier leadership and personal growth needed in a greenhouse management career.  Learner Expectations: The student will: 11.1 Discuss how the FFA has changed as agriculture has changed. 11.2 Develop public speaking skills needed in the greenhouse industry. 11.3 Conduct meetings use approved parliamentary law. 11.4 Develop an SAEP, supervised agricultural experience program, for a greenhouse enterprise.

6 TEAM STRATEGIES  Presenting Instructional Content (5) – modeling by teacher to demonstrate expectations  Activities & Materials (5) – challenging; student-to-student interaction; provide students with choices; incorporate resources beyond school texts; require creating products; demand self monitoring  Questioning (5) – teacher questions are high quality (knowledge & comprehension, application & analysis, creation & evaluation); purposeful; high frequency; provides wait time; students generate questions

7 TEAM STRATEGIES  Academic Feedback (5) – feedback is academically focused & high quality; given during practice; teacher engages students in giving specific and high-quality feedback to one another  Thinking (5) – analytical thinking; practical thinking; creative thinking – students analyze, use real life examples  Problem Solving (5) – categorization; drawing conclusions/justifying solutions; identifying relevant/irrelevant information; generate ideas

8 TEAM STRATEGIES – AN EXAMPLE  Standard 10.0 The student will integrate academic competencies with greenhouse management concepts.  10.8 Demonstrate how basic biological principles of plants affect growth. Evidence standard is met: Recommend plant varieties on the basis of geography and other demographics.

9 TEAM STRATEGIES – AN EXAMPLE  Protocol for parliamentary procedure is in place  Teach lesson about biological principals & plant growth  Write Motion On Board: I move to recommend to the school principal that we plant poinsettias in front of the school for aesthetic appeal.  Identify a chair (teacher or student) / Ask for business to be presented  Chair handles debate (teacher reinforces parliamentary law) Set expectations/requirements on # of debates before another motion is presented  Chair carries main motion through debate until a decision is made  Teacher and students ask questions using how / why / what / when, etc.

10 TEAM STRATEGIES – A TWIST ON THE EXAMPLE  For literacy Give a reading assignment Present motion after reading assignment to help students process what was read  For cooperative groups Divide class into groups where each group has a chair Assign different motions related to topic

11 PROMISING PRACTICES  Elect class officers Officers change each grading period  Hold a weekly class meeting Class meeting uses Opening/Closing Ceremonies  Use parliamentary procedure to make class decisions Assignments Discipline Activities

12 PREPARATION TIPS     Selecting A Team  Training A Team Chairperson Secretary Other team members

13 RESOURCES  Resources will come out over listserv  Team Tryout Test  Purpose of Motions Test  Mnemonic device to help with memory  Sample motion card that can be altered  Notes for training a chair person  Notes for training members  Competition schematic

14 RESOURCES  NAAE Communities of Practice  Parliamentary Procedure Instructional Materials

15 CONTRIBUTING THOUGHTS  Comments?  Questions?

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