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A contraction is a word that is made by putting together two separate words and shortening them.

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3 A contraction is a word that is made by putting together two separate words and shortening them.

4  There are about 70 contractions in the English language. ’  Most contraction are made by leaving out two letters like the word she will (she ’ ll).  Some contractions are missing only one letter.  The new words are then squeezed together to form a shortened word.

5 Whenever there is a contraction with I, I must be capitalized. am a You will only use am with I in a contraction. Replace the a with an apostrophe. Squeeze the words together. ’ I + am = I ’ m


7 If a aa are is part of the two words that make up the contraction, you will leave out the a aa a and replace it with an apostrophe. Then, keep the r rr r and the e ee e and add it after the apostrophe. they + are = they’ re we + are = we’ re you + are = you’ re






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