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A Reference Model for Event Patterns Christian Silberbauer

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1 A Reference Model for Event Patterns Christian Silberbauer (

2 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer The Context easyCredit platform of the Teambank should detect cancellation of credit applications Solution is part of the diploma thesis of Hans- Martin Brandl and David Guschakowski Von Ammon teaches Complex Event Processing at the Fachhochschule Regensburg In this lecture we made a description of the Loss Pattern

3 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer The Pattern’s Sources Christopher Alexander was the first one writing about patterns His Book: “The Timeless Way of Building” He is an architect!

4 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Alexander’s Pattern Definition “Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.” A Pattern describes a solution of a problem in a certain context. Or:

5 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Standards for Software Patterns Gamma et. Al. (GoF), 1994, „Design Patterns – Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software“ Buschmann et. Al., 1996, „Pattern-oriented Software Architecture – A System of Patterns“

6 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Pattern Structure Gamma Name Intent Also Known As Motivation Applicability Structure Participants Collaborations Consequences Implementation Sample Code Known Uses Related Patterns Buschmann Name Also Known As Example Context Problem Solution Structure Dyanamics Implementation Example Resolved Variants Known Uses Consequences See Also

7 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Patterns according to Buschmann NameThe name and a short summary of the pattern. Also Known AsOther names for the pattern, if any are known. ExampleA real-world example demonstrating the existence of the problem and the need for the pattern. Throughout the description we refer to the example to illustrate solution and implementation aspects, where this is necessary or useful.

8 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Patterns according to Buschmann ContextThe situations in which the pattern may apply. ProblemThe problem the pattern addresses, including a discussion of its associated forces. SolutionThe fundamental solution principle underlying the pattern.

9 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Patterns according to Buschmann StructureA detailed specification of the structural aspects of the pattern. DynamicsTypical scenarios describing the run- time behavior of the pattern. ImplementationGuidelines for implementing the pattern Example Resolved Discussion of any important aspects for resolving the example that are not yet covered in the Solution, Structure, Dynamics and Implementation sections.

10 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Patterns according to Buschmann VariantsA brief description of variants or specializations of a pattern. Known UsesExamples of the use of the pattern, taken from existing systems. ConsequencesThe benefits the pattern provides, and any potential liabilities. See AlsoReferences to patterns that solve similar problems, and to patterns that help us refine the pattern we are describing.

11 Event PatternsChristian Silberbauer Writing Event Patterns Use a standardized structure for your pattern description (Gamma, Buschmann) A pattern of a certain category of patterns has to have the same abstraction level Don‘t describe too general concepts (e.g. Monitoring, Drill down, Benefits of using Events in general)

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