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Phases of Treatment  The elements of physical function that should be addressed in a therapeutic exercise program are: Mobility--flexibility Proprioception.

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2 Phases of Treatment  The elements of physical function that should be addressed in a therapeutic exercise program are: Mobility--flexibility Proprioception Muscular strength--muscular endurance muscular power--CV endurance Sport-specific function

3 IMPRESS  Program for organizing a rehab program  I-initial injury phase Primary goal is to control the amount of inflammation Accomplished by preventing further damage, reducing swelling, reducing pain, and reducing edema (swelling caused by fluid in your body’s tissues)

4 IMPRESS  M-mobility restoration Once inflammation is controlled (decrease in swelling and pain), joint mobility can be restored Done with therapeutic exercises that progress from passive ROM to active-assistive ROM to active ROM Passive ROM-ATC move body segment through ROM and athlete relaxes and produces no muscle contractions Active-assistive ROM-ATC and athlete move body segment through ROM together Active ROM-athlete moves body segment through ROM without assistance

5 Proprioception  ability of body to give info to the brain regarding the body’s position, movements being performed and forces acting on it  Without proper proprioception, the body may not get the right muscles to fire at the right time to protect a joint  Training can be done by doing such things as balance and coordination exercises

6 Resistance Training  Muscles will become stronger, but also other surrounding tissues such as ligaments and bone will become stronger  Becomes a significant phase in the rehab process  Can be done using free weights, resistive tubing, machines, and manual resistance

7 Endurance Phase  Not only do muscles need to be strong for athletic participation, they also need to have endurance (ability to perform movements over time)  CV exercises should be performed as early as possible providing the injury is not aggravated  Weight training (for endurance) is done using a low amount of weight for a high number of reps

8 Sport-Specific Function  Athlete performs functional activities and is slowly integrated back into practices  ATC needs to be fully aware of the requirements of the athlete’s sport: movement patterns, degree of strength, speed, power, and endurance  Progress from light functional exercises to heavy functional exercises and then to limited practice

9 Therapeutic Modalities  Heating modalities-warm body tissue to create a specific physiological response that helps the healing process Moist-heat pack, whirlpool  Cooling modalities-cool injured tissue, which constricts blood vessels, decreases inflammation, decreases cell metabolism, decreases pain, and also decreases muscle spasm Ice pack, ice massage, whirlpool

10 Mechanical Elements  Ultrasound-sound wave passes through tissue, heat is produced Affects deeper tissues  Traction-pulling force Deliberately attempting to separate the joints of the body if they have been compressed  Massage-intentional and methodical kneading and stroking of body’s soft tissues Used to increase circulation, decrease muscle spasm, and relieve swelling

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