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The Global Village According to Harter (2,000) Shrinking the population of the world at the end of the 20th C to 100 people would.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Village According to Harter (2,000) Shrinking the population of the world at the end of the 20th C to 100 people would."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Village

2 According to Harter (2,000) Shrinking the population of the world at the end of the 20th C to 100 people would look like the following.

3 100 people in the world 57 Aisian 21 European 14 Western Hemisphere 8 African

4 YouTube clips billion (7billion video) billion OvKFFz4 (most typical person) OvKFFz4 UWt_dpAo (why they are doing a series on population) UWt_dpAo

5 100 people in the world 52 Male 48 Female 70 non white 30 white

6 100people in the world 70 non Christian 30 Christian

7 100 people in the world 89 Hetrosexual 11 Homosexual

8 100 people in the world 6 people would possess 60% of the entire world’s wealth. All 6 people would be from the US

9 100 people in the world 80 would live in substandard housing

10 100 people in the world 70 would be unable to read

11 100 people in the world 50 would suffer from malnutrition

12 International Interactive Resources

13 100 people in the world 1 would be near death 1 would be near birth 1 would have a college education 1 would own a computer

14 YouTube clips billion (7billion video) billion OvKFFz4 (most typical person) OvKFFz4 UWt_dpAo (why they are doing a series on population) UWt_dpAo

15 Population Powerpoint produced by Rachel Farrell (PDST) & Aoife Healion (SHS, Tullamore) Sources of information: SEC Marking Schemes, newspaper articles & documentaries

16 Syllabus Economics of Population Global and national population, size, composition and trends. Over, under and optimum population. The labour force and employment. The importance of population, and its influence on economic development and growth.

17 Exam Questions OL Studyclix Short 2009 Q 2 2006 Q 2 Long 2011 Q 8 (a) & (b) 2010 Q 7 (a) 2009 Q 6 2008 Q 3 (c) 2007 Q 6 2005 Q 6 (a) & (c) 2003 Q 7 2002 Q 7 (c) 2001 Q 7 (c)

18 Exam Questions HL Short 2010 Q 9 2006 Q 1 2001 Q 9 Long 2011 Q 8 (a) (b) (c) 2010 Q 8 (b) (c) 2008 Q 7 (c) 2005 Q 8 (a) 2003 Q 7 (c)

19 Complete “skimming an article exercise” on pdst website

20 Advantages of Immigration placemat exercise

21 The 2011 census of Ireland highlighted that Complete “scanning exercise” on pdst website



24 Population Pyramid

25 Population Pyramid Is a diagram that shows the distribution by age of the population of a country. In Ireland in 2006 the median age is approx 35 years. Irelands population is becoming older. mid

26 Thomas Robert Malthus Classical Economist English (1776-1834) “The Principles of Population” Theory of Population & Food Population grows geometrically (2,4,8,16,32). Food grows arithmetically (1,2,3,4,5,6). If population not kept in check famine & disease would result. SOL did not fall in 19 th C but his ideas were more relevant in the population explosion of the 20 th C Applied the Law of Diminishing Returns to Land Best land taken up first, then next best, then inferior…. At each stage the amount of food is less than before. Iron Law of Wages An increase in wage above subsistence level = increase in population = increase in supply of labour =decrease in wage



29 World population 7,000,000,000 7 billion

30 Sample Word Wall

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