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Introduction to Audio. What is "Audio"? Audio means "of sound" or "of the reproduction of sound“. Specifically, it refers to the range of frequencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Audio. What is "Audio"? Audio means "of sound" or "of the reproduction of sound“. Specifically, it refers to the range of frequencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Audio

2 What is "Audio"? Audio means "of sound" or "of the reproduction of sound“. Specifically, it refers to the range of frequencies detectable by the human ear — approximately 20Hz to 20kHz. It's not a bad idea to memorise those numbers — 20Hz is the lowest-pitched (bassiest) sound we can hear, 20kHz is the highest pitch we can hear. Audio work involves the production, recording, manipulation and reproduction of sound waves. To understand audio you must have a grasp of two things: 1. Sound Waves 2. Sound Equipment

3 The Field of Audio Work Studio Sound Engineer Live Sound Engineer Musician Music Producer DJ Radio technician Film/Television Sound Recordist Field Sound Engineer Audio Editor Post-Production Audio Creator

4 How Sound Waves Work

5 Variations in Air Pressure and Corresponding Waveform

6 Sound Wave Properties

7 How Sound Waves Interact with Each Other Phasing The following table illustrates how sound waves (or any other waves) interfere with each other depending on their phase relationship:

8 Waves with Various Different Properties 참조

9 Sound Systems A very simple sound system is shown in the diagram below. It is made up of two types of component: Transducer - A device which converts energy from one form into another. The two types of transducers we will deal with are microphones (which convert acoustical energy into electrical energy) and speakers (which convert electrical energy into acoustical energy). Amplifier - A device which takes a signal and increases it's power (i.e. it increases the amplitude).

10 Sound Systems Signal processors - devices and software which allow the manipulation of the signal in various ways. The most common processors are tonal adjusters such as bass and treble controls. Record and playback section - devices which convert a signal to a storage format for later reproduction. Recorders are available in many different forms, including magnetic tape, optical CD, computer hard drive, etc.

11 The 3-part audio model Sources: There are three sources - two tape machines and one radio aerial (technically the radio source is actually at the radio station). Processors: Includes a graphic equalizer, left/right stereo balance, and amplifiers. Outputs: There are two speaker cabinets (one at each end), each containing two speakers. Note that there are also two alternative outputs: A headphone socket (which drives the small speakers inside a headphone set) and twin "line out" sockets (which supply a feed for an external audio system).

12 Summary, QnA

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