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SEVEN Deadly Sins & The Demons Associated with Them By Ms. Brantley Graham (Eng I, English II, English IV.

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Presentation on theme: "SEVEN Deadly Sins & The Demons Associated with Them By Ms. Brantley Graham (Eng I, English II, English IV."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEVEN Deadly Sins & The Demons Associated with Them By Ms. Brantley Graham (Eng I, English II, English IV

2 The Seven Deadly Sins What child has not been warned of these sins by a parent or bible class? Each of the seven deadly sins is represented by one of the demons of hell. Each sin is depicted here with its respective demon and a description of its associated sin. So... onward to the sins and the demons that represent them.

3 If a person committed one of these seven deadly sins, he/she would face a different torment and torture in hell according to the sin. This idea stems from a set of 16 th Century engravings created by George Pencz that uses animals in the depictions of the sins and women as the sinners.

4 (Portraying women in such a fashion was okay at that time). The origin of this treatment is the belief that Eve tempted Adam with the apple, thus, man’s fall from original grace is woman’s fault—a very popular thought during this period. All sins have a punishment in hell, an animal, a color, and a guardian demon.

5 How good or bad did you sin today? The Seven deadly sins are ranked from the most serious to the least. Pride = MOST SERIOUS Envy Anger Sloth Avarice Gluttony LEAST SERIOUS= Lust

6 PRIDE Excessive belief in one's own abilities which interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Punishment in hell for this sin was to be broken on the wheel. Symbols: The animal—horse The color--violet

7 Demon Associated with PRIDE Lucifer - pride The angel who rebelled against God and fell from Heaven.

8 ENVY The desire for another’s traits, status, abilities, or situations. Punishment in hell: Placed in freezing water Symbols: animal—dog color--Green

9 Demon associated with ENVY Leviathan - envy Also the great serpent demon of Hell and ruler of the oceans

10 WRATH Manifested in an individual who turns love away and instead becomes victim to fury. It is also known as Anger. Punishment in hell: dismembered alive. Symbols: animal—bear color—red

11 Demon associated with Anger Satan - anger The supreme Lord of Hell and all it's Demons.

12 SLOTH The avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Also, this sin is considered “laziness.” Punishment in hell: thrown in snake pits Symbols: animal—goat color—light blue

13 Demon Associated with SLOTH Belphegor - sloth A demon that seduces men with wealth.

14 GREED The desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Punishment in hell: put in cauldrons of boiling water Symbols: animal—frog color—yellow

15 Demon Associated with Greed Mammon - avarice Demon of riches & covetousness

16 GLUTTONY An inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. (Eating included). Punishment in hell: forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes Symbols: animal—pig color—orange

17 Demon Associated with Gluttony Beelzebub - gluttony Satan's second-in- command, also known as "The Lord of the Flies.”

18 LUST An inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Punishment in hell: smothered in fire and brimstone Symbols: animal—cow color--blue

19 Demon Associated with Lust Asmodeus - lechery lechery=adultery Demon of lust and marital discord.

20 The SEVEN Deadly Sins: “PEASLAG” Pride Envy Anger/Wrath Sloth Lust Avarice/Greed Gluttony Designed by Brantley Graham

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