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Factors Affecting Perch Selection by Communally Roosting Turkey Vultures Betsy A. Evans and Tex A. Sordahl Luther College 1 Note: this is a TITLE slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors Affecting Perch Selection by Communally Roosting Turkey Vultures Betsy A. Evans and Tex A. Sordahl Luther College 1 Note: this is a TITLE slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors Affecting Perch Selection by Communally Roosting Turkey Vultures Betsy A. Evans and Tex A. Sordahl Luther College 1 Note: this is a TITLE slide

2 Factors Affecting Perch Selection by Communally Roosting Turkey Vultures Betsy A. Evans & Tex A. Sordahl L UTHER C OLLEGE 2 Note: this is a TITLE slide

3 Factors Affecting Nest Success Precipitation during the nestling stage Density of snakes Density of ground squirrels Proximity to hiking trails 3

4 Major Factor Affecting Nest Success Precipitation during the nestling stage 4 Figure 1. Female bobwhite quail

5 Major Factor Affecting Nest Success Precipitation during the nestling stage 5

6 6


8 8 Figure 6.

9 9 Major Impacts of Tank Training During moist conditions - soil compaction During dray conditions – wider track disturbance because of sliding

10 Testing fladry as a nonlethal management tool for wolves and coyotes in Michigan Fladry farm averages Wolves Inside 0.29 Wolves Outside 1.43 Coyotes Inside 0.43 Coyotes Outside 0.71 Control farm wolf averages Wolves Inside 0.71 Wolves Outside 0.21 Coyotes Inside 0 Coyotes Outside 0.29 Depredation results 0 wolves and 8 coyote 10

11 Testing fladry as a nonlethal management tool for wolves and coyotes in Michigan Results have shown that fladry may be an effective temporary management tool for discouraging wolves from using livestock areas but labor and equipment costs may be substantial for large farms. Fladry was not effective in deterring coyotes 11

12 Summary Prevent the damage Nonwood materials, etc.. 12

13 By: James Brown 13 Evaluation of damage by vertebrate pests in California vineyards and control of wild turkeys by bioacoustics Note: this is a TITLE slide

14 Problem/Conflict Problem/Conflict ??  Crop damage  How to control the problem/conflict 14

15 Conclusion Wild turkeys caused damage in California vineyards by stripping berries from the clusters. Many growers believed that turkeys were the culprit for damage to their vineyards, but video recordings indicated otherwise. The video recordings showed that many other vertebrate pests were to blame. Turkey damage was observed in several vineyards but the problem was inconsistent with both areas and years. Broadcast calls did not work at all. The best deterrent that they found was netting around the perimeter of vines and the use of dogs. ATV patrols and hunting is also a good deterrent to keep turkeys out of vineyards. 1516

16 Methods Chemical deterrent “Sniff ’n’ Stop” 4 different formulas, each with a similar inert control “Sniff ’n’ Stop” Inert control – Foam- Deterrent free foam – Gel- Petroleum jelly – Tape- 3M Scotch Rubber Mastic tape – Epoxy- Loctite Marine Epoxy 17

17 18

18 19

19 Mephitis mephitis The Striped Skunk The University of Rio Grande Joe Biden Biology 32303 20 Note: this is a TITLE slide

20 Characteristic…con’t Survival and Mortality Rates - 90% of skunks die in first winter -Torpor -In the wild: live to 2 to 3 years old -In captivity: up to 15 years 21

21 Water quality Aquatic life is stable Habitat is doing well “ What does the presence of this species indicate about an ecosystem?” 22

22 23

23 Ringtail cat (Bassariscus astutus) Spatial Relations  1 female and 1 male within approximately 100 hectares (250 acres) home range.  Home ranges seldom overlap.  * Scat / urine/vocals used to communicate socially and reproductively. 24

24 Hippobroma-hippobroma Howellia-howellia Jasione-jasione Legenere-false Venus’ looking glass Legousia-legousia Lobelia-lobelia Nemacladus-threadplant Parishella-parishella Platycodon-platycodon Porterella-porterella Rollandia-rollandia Trematolobelia-false lobelia Triodanis-Venus’ looking glass Wahlenbergia-wahlenbergia Class: Magnoliopsida-Dicotyledons Order : Campanulales Family: Campanulaceae - Bellflower family 27 U.S. GENERA Asyneuma-harebell Brighamia-brighamia Campanula L.-bellflower Campanulastrum-small bell flower Canarina-canarina Clermontia-clermontia Codonopsis Syanea-cyanea Delissea-delissea Downingia-calicoflower Gadellia- gadellia Githopsis-bluecup Heterocodon-heterocodon 25

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