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An Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Toolkit for WBL Providers in Wales Katie Elmer, Associate WSP Environmental 25 th June.

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Presentation on theme: "An Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Toolkit for WBL Providers in Wales Katie Elmer, Associate WSP Environmental 25 th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Toolkit for WBL Providers in Wales Katie Elmer, Associate WSP Environmental 25 th June 2008

2 Overview Work involves production of a user friendly toolkit for work based learning providers in Wales. Produced with twenty WBL providers and key stakeholder. Will enable WBL providers respond to Assembly Government’s requirement to deliver ESDGC. WSP / ECOTEC commissioned by DCELLS Quality Team to produce this guidance in February 2008.

3 What is ESDGC? Increasingly being driven by employer and student demand. Involves the delivery of learning and management of the organisation. Improves decision making, locally, globally, individually and collectively that has an impact on equity and quality of life.

4 Requirements for WBL Providers The Welsh Assembly is strongly promoting ESDGC from cradle to grave. Assembly published an ESDGC- A Strategy for Action (2006), covers all providers in Wales with specific objectives and targets. Short term actions for WBL include raising awareness of and in turn, mainstreaming ESDGC.

5 Requirements for WBL Providers Huge scope for WBL providers to make positive contributions. Rich diversity of opportunities for adults and young people, and harder to reach groups in particular- much of what is done can be counted as ESDGC. Challenge- requires whole organisational approaches= shift in culture.

6 Toolkit will : Equip providers to develop a systematic approach to ESDGC and develop a strategy for organisation-wide implementation. Will ensure that the WBL sector is responding effectively to the WAG ESDGC vision and targets contained within their strategy.

7 Content of the Toolkit Very concise- user has the option to investigate a topic more thoroughly. Wealth of excellent guidance in the public domain. Does not re-write, but consolidates this. Signposts the reader to helpful sources to help monitor and report against ESDGC. Reflects WAG strategic priorities and quality planning requirements.

8 Content of the Toolkit Each section aligns with the ‘common areas’ in the Assembly’s strategy for action: –Commitment and Leadership. –Institutional Management. –Teaching and Learning. –Partnerships. –Measuring and Monitoring Performance. –Research and Resources.

9 Toolkit Toolkit structured as follows: Background and purpose: context and key drivers for the toolkit. How to use the document: overview of content, structure and key outcomes. Esdgc topic areas. Resources.

10 Toolkit Demo: Teaching and Learning Context and background: –Key drivers: »WAG- fundamental role of esdgc in education and lifelong learning. »Leitch- key driver for basic skills (L2) »Estyn- remit to evaluate within the curriculum. –Focus of this topic: seven key themes of ESDGC.

11 Toolkit Demo: Teaching and Learning Case study: concise example from WBL. Sample case study –Title: Using ESDGC to address Key Level two skills –Organisation: Focus On (training provider) –ESDGC Topic Area: Teaching and Learning. –Summary: All candidates are introduced to the ‘nine concepts’ of ESDCG. They are then required to produce a 500 word key skills paper covering any ESDGC topic which they must independently research and provide appropriate evidence for. –Key Contact: Mr Clive Fleming.

12 Toolkit Demo: Teaching and Learning Action planning: –against strategic priorities; enables user to score themselves and report as part of PQP. –Bronze, silver and gold scoring. –Blank form in excel spreadsheet, allows for automatic scoring……..

13 Toolkit Demo: Teaching and Learning

14 Progress to date and next steps Piloting: Includes two workshops (early September) with about 20 providers - opportunity to use the toolkit for the month in their organisation and provide feedback. Incorporation of final feedback and WAG sign-off in October 2008. Launched November 2008

15 Questions Your own experiences/case studies? Challenges? Any general comments on the style, length, format? Your involvement in piloting? Contact Jane Ellis @ or 01443 663 940 by 18

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