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ICAO-IATA Cross-Border ATFM Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "ICAO-IATA Cross-Border ATFM Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICAO-IATA Cross-Border ATFM Workshop
AAI ATFM CCC – Highlights of the System Hans van der Meulen / Cleber de Mico Muramoto / Eno Siewerdt New Delhi, 3-4 September, 2015

2 AAI ATFM CCC – Highlights of the System
…to provide an overview of the C-ATFM system capabilities and installations at CCC – Command and Control Center.

3 (DFS – Hans Van der Meulen) SkyFlow ATFM System demo
Agenda Background Introduction (DFS – Hans Van der Meulen) SkyFlow ATFM System demo

4 Flight routes over Germany (1956 - today)
In the past, radio beacons on the ground (the large circles in the left-hand chart) determined the flight routes in lower and upper airspace. At best, they followed specified VOR radials. Today, area navigation allows almost any routing, not least due to satellite navigation. This comparison of routings over West Germany about sixty years ago and today illustrates how much air traffic we can handle today because of technological progress and close civil-military cooperation in the flexible use of airspace. JANUARY 2015

5 ATFM is a mind-set like Quality Assurance
What is good ATFM ATFM is a mind-set like Quality Assurance You live Quality, it is not a technology Communicate openly All participants are equal Apply “No Blame Culture” Share and learn from mistakes made

6 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? ATM resources Traffic Demand Tactical and up to date traffic situation Meteorological situation Airspace and Airport status ATFM tools Institutional arrangement and regulation Pre-requisites

7 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? ATM resources Airspace (national or regional) and Airports are resources that are shared by all ATM stakeholders and require: Transparancy Collaborative decisions Common processes Equity

8 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? Traffic Demand Data sharing and understanding is a major pre-requiste of ATFM. At least it needs: Airline data (ATC-FPL; schedule) ATC capacitiy (Sectors; Airports) Partners constraints Intentions Information sharing

9 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? Tactical and up to date traffic situation Ensuring accurate and timely data by common data exchange to increase accuracy of short to medium term predicition ATFM flight information ATFM capacity information ATFM demand information

10 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? Meteorological situation Weather is one of the most constraining influences for ATM. Increasing the situational awareness by highly precise: Forecast WX Dynamic WX

11 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? Airspace and Airport status Availabiltiy of Airspace and Airport resources affects the efficient and safely flow of Air Traffic Airport Capacity Sector Capacitiy Restriceted or reserved Airspace

12 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? ATFM tools Common situational awarenes and transparency through data and information sharing by displaying: Weather situation Traffic forecast Communication possibilities Airport and airspace information

13 What is ATFM Principles
What is needed for ATFM? Institutional arrangement and regulation “World” ICAO CANSO/ANSP IATA States DOC 9971 “Regional” DOC 9971 Supplements Positions Action Plans ICAO Region IATA States CANSO/ANSP States ANSP Airspace Users Airports “National” AIP CONOPS ATFM Handbook LoA Stakeholders working arrangements All Stakeholder “Local” Processes Procedures Working instructions

14 Best Practices Key enablers for its success
Integrated Flight Plan System (IFPS) Provides for: Unified Data Set on Flight Plans No errors Update homogeneous and instant for all stakehoders Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) ATS, Airlines and Airports Integration of Airports in the system Integration of Airport-CDM (A-CDM) Enables the introduction of dynamic slots vs. fixed slots

15 C-ATFM India SkyFlow - The Indian C-ATFM

16 SkyFlow – Highlights of the System
Current status: SAT – Phase 1 ok SRST starts mid-September

17 C-ATFM India - ATFM System demo:
:// Several typical ATFM System features are shown on following slides: Video-wall installed at CCC-AAI New Delhi

18 C-ATFM India Tools RPL Database

19 C-ATFM India Tools Airspace element search tool

20 C-ATFM India Tools Status Monitor (up to 36 airports simultaneously)

21 C-ATFM India Tools Route Detail (alternate routes may be developed and assigned to aircraft according to specific capability, e.g. RNAV – Flow managers will be aware of)

22 C-ATFM India Tools CDM Proposal (Ground Delay Program)

23 C-ATFM India Tools Aircraft Performance Database

24 C-ATFM India Tools Regulated Elements Database

25 C-ATFM India Tools Weather information

26 C-ATFM India Tools General view Capacity and Demand

27 C-ATFM India Tools Capacity and Demand Analysis (e.g. FIR Sector)

28 C-ATFM India Tools Capacity and Demand Analysis by timeframe (e.g. Aerodrome)

29 Airport Traffic Ops Centre
C-ATFM India Important future aspects Skyflow ATFM System is ready to interface and/or integrate with A-CDM Systems Service providers Airlines ATC Tower Apron Control Airport Traffic Ops Centre Gate + Positioning Ground handling ATFM Adjacent units

30 C-ATFM India Important future aspects
The Target Off Block Time (TOBT), as the estimation of aircraft ready, is the Airline commitment to the A-CDM process Impact: Cockpit Fueling Ground handling Dispatch TOBT Loading Technical Problems PAX / Gate / Terminal

31 C-ATFM India Important future aspects
Target Start Up Approval Time TSAT is the Airport CDM commitment to the process Introduction of TSAT based on TOBT, VTT, CTOT and real operational capacity as driver for the „Pre Departure Sequence “ Pre departure sequencing Impact: TOBT Operational Capaci ty Weather situation Traffic Demand De-Icing Infrastrucural constraints Taxitime TSAT

32 C-ATFM India Conclusion
Additional Information: Thank you for your attention and cooperation धन्यवाद

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