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ITINERARY:  Syllabus  Plagiarism  Sources for Citation  Library Tour  Homework.

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Presentation on theme: "ITINERARY:  Syllabus  Plagiarism  Sources for Citation  Library Tour  Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITINERARY:  Syllabus  Plagiarism  Sources for Citation  Library Tour  Homework

2   Office Hours:  Available by appointment as necessary, or if you see me at the library feel free to ask any questions you may have.

3  You are only allowed 1 unexcused absence, every unexcused absences after the first will result in a 10 point (10%) reduction in your grade.  What is an excused absence?  Questions?  E-mail – Add me as a contact…right now  Create a folder for ISLT 1111…right now  Make sure if you have any needs, concerns, or questions to e-mail me! Communication is key!

4  Participation and attendance are separate grades in this course.  10% of your final grade is participation.  These points can be lost:  Use of cell phones (including texting)  Unexcused absences  Sleeping in class  Unapproved web browsing (including facebook, myspace, chatting, etc.)  Not participating in class discussion, chatting or any other disruptive behavior

5  …break down the components of assignments and questions  …understand which of those components/ pieces they need to know more about  …select the more appropriate place/ source to find that information  …effectively search for the bits of information they most need  …evaluate the information retrieved to ensure it is a good source  …use that information to complete assignments and answer questions

6  Copyright and the Internet: Anything on the web is considered to be published, therefore it must be cited.  Plagiarism: Is the taking of another person’s writing, conversation, song, or idea and claiming it as your own.  Fair Use: In order to keep copyright laws from impeding education, the idea of Fair Use was created. Fair Use allows for a copyright work to be copied and used for criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as long as the source is acknowledged.

7  Ideas, opinions or theories  Factual information (that is not common knowledge)  Direct quotations  Paraphrases (in which you must use your own words)  Drawings, photos, images, etc.

8  Give credit to every source of information  Use quotation marks when citing a source directly  Paraphrase carefully with your own words and cite the information  Give credit for facts that are not common knowledge  Document another person’s interpretation of facts  Acknowledge sources that shape your thinking.

9   How Do I Find?  Site Search  Contact Us  Undergrad Info

10   Merlin  Summon  Databases

11 When you get an assignment you need to think about two things:  what you already know about the topic AND  what you need to know about the topic Let’s examine a current news event in light of this

12  “Choose a major news source and critique their coverage of the presidential election in terms of scope, depth, and bias” OR  “Describe what you see as the problems New Orleans is facing even now, so long after Hurricane Katrina, and why there are still problems”  Keywords?  Search in Merlin, Google, and ASP  Pros & Cons of each search?

13 Indications of time/how current the information should be - most recent information or historical data? Indications of specificity – should the paper focus on the entire population, or subsets like women, a particular region? Should you find popular or expert ideas/opinions? Do you need primary sources to make your own interpretations or use secondary sources that include interpretations?

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