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En laine Clothing made of wool En soie Apparel made of silk.

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Presentation on theme: "En laine Clothing made of wool En soie Apparel made of silk."— Presentation transcript:


2 En laine Clothing made of wool

3 En soie Apparel made of silk

4 En velours Made of velvet

5 En caoutchouc Made of rubber

6 En or Made of gold

7 En argent Made of silver

8 Un style A style

9 Une coupe Cut (fit/style)

10 La dernière mode Latest fashion

11 A la mode In fashion/fashionable

12 BCBG (bon chic bon genre) Chic or Preppy

13 Démodé Unfashionable

14 Serré Tight-fitting

15 Aller bien/mal avec To go well/badly with

16 Aller bien/mal à quelqu’un To fit someone well (or the opposite)

17 Être bien/mal assorti à To be well matched or to be mismatched

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