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Novel Technologies to assess Gut Health Claims for Carbohydrates Subthema: 2 - Characterization of biological effects of carbohydrates Naam trekker: UJF.

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Presentation on theme: "Novel Technologies to assess Gut Health Claims for Carbohydrates Subthema: 2 - Characterization of biological effects of carbohydrates Naam trekker: UJF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Novel Technologies to assess Gut Health Claims for Carbohydrates Subthema: 2 - Characterization of biological effects of carbohydrates Naam trekker: UJF Tietge / HJ Verkade Affiliatie: UMC Groningen/Dept. of Pediatrics Contactgegevens:

2 We are programmmed for disease General theme: different carbohydrates have differential effects on the balance between health and disease by affecting the intestine at all stages of life aging disease in utero breast milk vs. formula feeding programming food microbiota e.g. SCFA programming food microbiota e.g. SCFA gut health food microbiota e.g. SCFA - direct effects - modulation of programmed risk

3 Increasing gut health with carbohydrates at all stages of life (13) CH conventional vs. germ-free vs. selective re-constitution/ transplantation Disease models: - atherosclerosis - diabetes (type I and II) - NAFLD/NASH - intest. Inflammation in vivo screening platform biomarkers (disease-causing signatures of metabolites/ bacterial products) novel CHs to test in humans leads for health claims Deliverables programming Techniques: - atherosclerosis quantitation - GTT/ITT/clamps - Histology - histology/clinical symptoms - stable isotopes to quantitate metabolic fluxes - characterization microbiota - barrier function Mouse models Close links to themes 1, 3 and 4 Short-term intervention: - children (lean/obese) - adults (young/elderly/IBD) in vivo screening routine for CHs with human relevance health claims based on established mechanisms novel biomarkers of disease including microbiota establish novel CHs as functional food Deliverables Human studies Techniques: - GTT/clamp - biomarkers -stable isotope techniques - SCFA measurements - histology/clinical symptoms - sampling capsule to characterize: microbiota barrier function ZN Wang et al. Nature 472, 57-63 (2011) Gut-flora-dependent metabolism of dietary PC and atherosclerosis

4 (13) CH conventional vs. germ-free vs. selective re-constitution/ transplantation Disease models: - atherosclerosis - diabetes (type I and II) - NAFLD/NASH - intest. Inflammation in vivo screening platform biomarkers (disease-causing signatures of metabolites/ bacterial products) novel CHs to test in humans leads for health claims Deliverables programming Techniques: - atherosclerosis quantitation - GTT/ITT/clamps - Histology - histology/clinical symptoms - stable isotopes to quantitate metabolic fluxes - characterization microbiota - barrier function Mouse models Increasing gut health with carbohydrates at all stages of life

5 ZN Wang et al. Nature 472, 57-63 (2011) Gut-flora-dependent metabolism of dietary PC and atherosclerosis

6 Short-term intervention: - children (lean/obese) - adults (young/elderly/IBD) in vivo screening routine for CHs with human relevance health claims based on established mechanisms novel biomarkers of disease including microbiota establish novel CHs as functional food Deliverables Human studies Techniques: - GTT/clamp - biomarkers - stable isotope techniques - SCFA measurements - histology/clinical symptoms - sampling capsule to characterize: microbiota barrier function (13) CH

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