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Physics January 26-27.

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1 Physics January 26-27

2 In: How does the period of a pendulum
on earth differ from that on the moon? If the length of the pendulum is 3 m what would the period be on both? (acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s2)

3 Objective: To understand and practice simple harmonic motion. Success Criteria: Be able to analyze simple harmonic motion using authentic data

4 Springs Equilibrium Amplitude Period frequency

5 Equilibrium is an objects natural resting position
Amplitude is the maximum distance from equilibrium

6 Period is the amount of time it takes to complete one full cycle
Frequency is how many times it passes a certain point

7 T=2π√l/g F = 1/T T = 1/F

8 Springs follow Hooke’s Law
Restoring force: F=-kx K=spring constant X=stretch or compression of spring

9 Simple harmonic motion lab.
Purpose: Determine the amplitude, period, and frequency of an observed simple harmonic motion

10 Equilibrium is where the spring naturally rests with the mass on it
Amplitude is how far it was displaced from equilibrium (should be the same for max and min) found using the position graph

11 Frequency is how many times it completes a cycle

12 Equation: y0 From the computer: a sin (bt +c) + d A is the amplitude B is 2 frequency D is the y0 (equilibrium position)

13 How is simple harmonic motion related to wave motion?


15 Out A block attached to an ideal spring undergoes simple harmonic motion. The acceleration of the block has its maximum magnitude at the point where the speed is the maximum. The potential energy is the minimum The speed is the minimum The restoring force is the minimum The kinetic energy is the maximum

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