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UNIT 3: WARMUP #1  In our society, what does it mean to be “rich”? What does it mean to be “poor”? As a tendency, do we favor people because they have.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3: WARMUP #1  In our society, what does it mean to be “rich”? What does it mean to be “poor”? As a tendency, do we favor people because they have."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3: WARMUP #1  In our society, what does it mean to be “rich”? What does it mean to be “poor”? As a tendency, do we favor people because they have more monetary wealth than others? As a tendency, do we discriminate against people because they have less monetary wealth than others? What factors would cause an individual to move from “poor” to “rich”? What factors would cause an individual to move from “rich” to poor”? Please answer & explain all of your responses in 1-2 clear, concise paragraphs.

2 Chapter 9 Social Stratification

3 Objectives:  The student will be able to identify the characteristics of the American class system.  The student will be able to explain how different motivations & cultural values influence the American class system.  The student will be able to describe the steps that have been taken by the federal government to lessen the effects of poverty.

4 Social Stratification  the division of society into categories, ranks or classes  social inequality: the unequal sharing of scarce resources & social rewards  What criteria would you use to stratify a society in order to distribute scare resources?

5 The Caste System in India

6 Brahmans  occupations: priests, scholars

7 Kshatriyas  occupations: rulers, nobles, soldiers

8 Vaisyas  occupations: merchants, bankers, businesspeople

9 Sudras  occupations: laborers, artisans

10 Harijans (“the Untouchables”)  occupations: outcasts, limited to the most undesirable tasks

11 Stratification Theories

12 Functionalist  Cause of Stratification  needed to help society function smoothly by ensuring that specific roles are performed  higher rewards guarantee that important roles that require more skill are filled  Criticisms of Theory  society does not provide equal access to education & jobs  rewards do not always reflect the social values of roles

13 Conflict: Marxists  Cause of Stratification  the bourgeoisie exploit & control the proletariat to maintain wealth & power  Criticisms of Theory  fails to recognize that unequal rewards are based in part on differences in talents, skills & desires among people

14 American Theorists  Cause of Stratification  groups compete for scarce resources  those with power use it to maintain their position  Criticisms  “Conflict Theory”

15 American Class System

16 Upper Class  1% of population  “old money” vs. “new money”  prestigious schools, heirs, investors, large business owners & top executives

17 Upper Middle Class  14% of population  high income business people & professionals  college educated & advanced degrees

18 Lower Middle Class  30% of population  high school or college educated  lower level managers, skilled craft workers, supervisors

19 Working Class  30% of population  high school education  blue collar jobs pay as much, if not more, than white collar, but less prestige

20 Working Poor  22% of population  some high school  laborers, service workers (gardeners, house cleaners, etc)

21 Underclass  3% of population  some high school  undesirable, low-paying jobs, unemployed, or on welfare for some time

22 Poverty  the standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate by society

23 Characteristics of Poor Americans

24 Sex  women are the largest segment at 57%  female-headed households account for about ½ of all poor families

25 Age  children are the largest group at 37%  3X as many African-American & Hispanic children are poor than white children

26 Race & Ethnicity  African-Americans & Hispanics are far more likely than white Americans to be poor

27 The 2009 Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Contiguous States & the District of Columbia Persons in family Poverty guidelines 1 $10,830 2 14,570 3 18,310 4 22,050 5 25,790 6 29,530 7 33,270 8 37,010 for families with more than 8 persons, add $3,740 for each additional person

28 CHAPTER 9  Page 212: #3-4  Page 220: #2-3  Page 227: #2-3  Page 228: #1-10 Identifying People & Ideas  Page 228: #1-6 Understanding Main Ideas

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