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100 200 300 400 500 Evaluating Expressions Words - Algebra Adding & Subtracting Polynomials Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials Factoring (Smactoring)

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3 100 200 300 400 500 Evaluating Expressions Words - Algebra Adding & Subtracting Polynomials Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials Factoring (Smactoring) 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

4 100 Evaluate 4d³ When d = 2 32

5 Evaluate ¾ x³ When x = ­4 200 -48

6 Evaluate 3(x + 5) – 9 ÷ x When x = 3 300 21

7 400 1 1/9 Evaluate x ˉ ² + xº When x = 3

8 Evaluate When x = 2 and y = -3 500 -7

9 Is the following expression a polynomial? If so, state it’s degree and name by number of terms. 3 x ˉ ²-2x +5 NO, not a polynomial 100

10 200. yes, 3, binomial Is the following expression a polynomial? If so, state it’s degree and name by number of terms. X³ - 2

11 Yes, 8, trinomial 300 Is the following expression a polynomial? If so, state it’s degree and name by number of terms. 8x ⁵ y³ - 12x y² + 20x³y³

12 Put the following polynomial in standard form and state its’ degree. 400 -4x3-5x2+20x+13, 3 3 – 5x(x – 4) + 10 – 4x ³

13 500 Simplify the polynomial and put in standard form. see answer

14 Simplify 6x³y² + 5x³y² 11x³y² 100

15 Simplify (2x² + 5x) – (8x² + 7x) -6x² - 2x 200

16 300 Simplify (5x + 2) -2 (4x – 3) -3x + 8


18 400 Simplify 3 – 5(x – 4) + 10 – 4x -9 + 33

19 500 Simplify (4x²y – 7xy +10xy²) - (12xy² - 5xy + 3x²y) 1x²y – 2xy – 2xy²

20 Simplify 4x²y(2x³y² - 3x²y + 5xy²) 8x ⁵ y³ - 12x y² + 20x³y³ 100

21 Simplify 42x ⁷ - 6x ⁵ -7x² 200

22 300 Simplify (2y– 5)(3y – 4) 6y² - 23y + 20

23 Simplify 5x ⁵ - 10x² 5x² X³ - 2 400

24 -8x ⁶ 500 Simplify (-2x²)³

25 6x² (2x – 4 + 7x²) 100 Factor out the GCMF 12x³ - 24x² + 42x 

26 5a²b(2ab – 3a³b² + 1) 200 Factor out the GCMF 10a³b² - 15a ⁵ b³ + 5a²b

27 (x + 9) (x + 1) 300 Factor X² + 10x + 9

28 (x – 12)(x – 4) 400 Factor X² - 16x + 48

29 (x – 8)(x + 3) 500 Factor x² - 5x – 24 into two binomials.

30 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager.

31 If a $1,000 investment had a 20% decrease in value, what percent increase would it need to bring it back to it’s original value? 25% increase

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