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Welfare Reform: district & housing implications Boyd Taylor 13 th June 2013.

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1 Welfare Reform: district & housing implications Boyd Taylor 13 th June 2013

2 ‘By the end of this tax year (2012- 13) only about £8 billion of the £36 billion of benefits cuts over the four years will have been implemented.’ Welfare Reform in Norfolk, Dr Chris Edwards (UEA) on behalf of NCAN

3 Changes in context In Norwich estimate £35M loss in 14/15 £11M cuts ≈ 260 lost jobs Over four years 70,000 low income households in Norfolk may lose 17% of their income (£8pw every week for four years) GYBC and Norwich likely to be worst affected – impacts more in deprived areas Low income households tend to face higher inflation

4 Changes in Norwich Approximately 3,000 households affected by under occupation, the majority losing 14% of their Housing Benefit Benefit Cap affecting 80 households in the City resulting on average a cut of £62 per week to their benefit Changes to Working Tax Credit (capping Child Care, increasing hours worked, restricting annual increase) has resulted in £2.2m per lose of income to City businesses

5 Council Tax Reduction Schemes Localised to District Authority level Subsidy is not reactive In Norfolk, 7 authorities potentially 7 different schemes Potential to change each year Only affects working age claimants

6 Issues? Should there be a significant increase in need – negative impact on LA budget Advice minefield for third sector and cross authority workers Lack of coherence for claimants

7 Income Collection Still too early to be sure but……. Citizens Advice nationally reporting increase in people seeking advice LGIU reported member authorities beginning to see increase in arrears

8 Homelessness Increasing demand for Housing advice sought – LAs and Shelter Reasons for presenting Hidden financial strains?

9 Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse Incidents have increased 15% from 2010/11 to 2011/12 Norwich & Great Yarmouth have the highest incidences of DA Leeway comment on increase noted in the last 3 months

10 The future? Bed blocking in hostels – an increasing problem Increase in elder abuse Increase in stress related illnesses at surgery

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