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1 High School Feedback Reports Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Katie Weaver Randall (WA) Kathy Gosa (KS) Christina Tydeman (HI)

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Presentation on theme: "1 High School Feedback Reports Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Katie Weaver Randall (WA) Kathy Gosa (KS) Christina Tydeman (HI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 High School Feedback Reports Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Katie Weaver Randall (WA) Kathy Gosa (KS) Christina Tydeman (HI)

2 Katie Weaver Randall Washington Education Research & Data Center 2

3 3 ESP-20 Spanning the Sectors

4 4 Overview Overview of Reports - The purpose of producing the reports is twofold – provide useful information to high schools and school districts and help inform and support our P-20 data warehouse implementation. Surprises Audience for reports extends beyond K-12 sector Enthusiasm and interest Challenges One report doesn’t meet all needs – communicating purpose and utility Balancing reporting needs and protection of student privacy Communicating difference between P-20 and single sector perspective Next Steps Develop reports for legislative district Develop additional data displays, different aggregations of data, and tools so schools and districts can conduct meaningful comparisons. Incorporate stakeholder feedback into next iteration of reports Feedback reports for other sectors Reports available -

5 5

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7 Kathy Gosa Kansas State Department of Education 7

8 Background HSFB Reports are a “byproduct” of SFSF C(11) and C(12) metrics. Provided by KSDE and accessed via the existing authenticated BI solution for school and district administrators. – Customizable view based on parameter selection – Presents charts and data – Exportable as Excel, PDF Initial design / content based on – research of what other states are doing – available data

9 Data Sources Current KSDE SLDS Kansas Board of Regents National Student Clearinghouse ACT In Progress SAT / AP Potential / Planned Dept of Labor Dept of Defense?

10 High School Feedback

11 Kansas HSFB Dashboards ACT Scores – shows the average ACT scores by building with comparative values for district, state, and national averages. Parameter selections for Student Subgroup, ACT Subject Area, and Postsecondary Enrollment are available. Postsecondary Enrollment Rates - lists the percentage of high school graduates who enrolled in a postsecondary institution by building, grouped by high school graduation year with comparative values for district, state, and national averages. Parameter selections for Time Elapsed until Enrollment in Postsecondary, Student Subgroup, Postsecondary Institution Location, and Institution Type.

12 Kansas HSFB Dashboards Postsecondary Enrollment Locations - lists by relative frequency, IHEs where high school graduates enroll for postsecondary education, grouped by high school graduation year. Parameters include building and HS graduation year. Postsecondary Retention Metrics - lists the percentage of high school graduates by building who enrolled in a public postsecondary institution in Kansas, grouped by high school graduation year, with comparative values for district and state averages Parameters include Student Subgroup, and High School Graduation Year

13 Kansas HSFB Dashboards Postsecondary Remedial Coursework - lists the percentage of high school graduates enrolled in a public postsecondary institution in Kansas who enrolled in remedial coursework, with comparative values for district and state averages. As second dashboard lists the percentage of students who passed the remedial coursework. Parameters include Student Subgroup and High School Graduation Year.

14 Planned / Potential Enhancements Acquisition and Inclusion of SAT data (In Progress) Acquisition and Inclusion of Department of Labor (DOL) data – (Career Readiness Metrics) Inclusion of High School Course data (SCRS) Construction of Cross Indicator/Predictive Analytics Inclusion of Postsecondary Completion Metrics (In Progress) Inclusion of State Assessment data Acquisition and Inclusion of Advanced Placement data (In Progress) Acquisition and Inclusion of Department of Defense (DOD) data (Career Readiness)

15 Christina Tydeman Hawaii Department of Education 15

16 Christina Tydeman, PhD Data Governance Director Hawaii Department of Education 808-586-3228 Career and College Readiness Indicator Reports

17  Developed by Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education  Hawaii Department of Education  University of Hawaii  How well are Hawaii graduates prepared to meet the HDOE’s Vision of a High School Graduate?  Three annual reports: 2008, 2009, 2010 Background

18 National Student Clearinghouse University of Hawaii System College Board Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education Hawaii Department of Education The full technical report is available at Data Sources

19  Availability  Currently being collected  Accessibility  Readily available for all HDOE high schools  Actionable  Impact on improving student readiness for the workforce or postsecondary education  Additional measures to be added as available  School specific measures Selecting Indicators

20 Opportunity for schools to report school- specific indicators Examples: Senior Exit Survey results Self-reported by seniors during spring semester Military AVID School Reported College and Career Indicators

21 Differences between self-reports by seniors and NSC data Non-participating universities/colleges Military FEDES Overall differences in perceptions regarding what constitutes college readiness Strategically timing the release of the reports Major Challenges



24 Contact Info and Resources: Katie Weaver Randall, Katie.Weaver-Randall@OFM.WA.GOV Kathy Gosa, Christina Tydeman, To Request SST Support: Fill out a TA Request Form on GRADS 24 Page/Presentation Title Here

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