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Civil Rights (1954-1970s) I.Intro II.Phase I: 1954-63 A.Brown Earl Warren B.Bus Boycott Rosa Parks III.Phase II: 1963- A.Black Power B.Hispanics C.AIM.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights (1954-1970s) I.Intro II.Phase I: 1954-63 A.Brown Earl Warren B.Bus Boycott Rosa Parks III.Phase II: 1963- A.Black Power B.Hispanics C.AIM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Civil Rights (1954-1970s) I.Intro II.Phase I: 1954-63 A.Brown Earl Warren B.Bus Boycott Rosa Parks III.Phase II: 1963- A.Black Power B.Hispanics C.AIM D.Women Key Terms Brown Decision Thurgood Marshall Martin L. King Jr. Malcolm X Cesar Chavez George Mitchell Dennis Banks Betty Friedan Roe vs. Wade ERA

3 Focus on Civil Rights Leaders Goals Tactics to achieve goals

4 Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) Separate facilities for different races were legal as long as they were equal in quality. “Separate but equal” doctrine. Railroads in Louisiana were segregated by law

5 Jim Crow Laws State and local laws that established legalized segregation all over the United States.

6 Brown Decision (Background) Brown was prohibited from attending the school near her home because she was black. Linda Brown & Family

7 Brown Decision (Two important “players”) NAACP Attorney who argued the case Thurgood Marshall Earl Warren Chief Justice of Supreme Court

8 Brown Decision: Civil Rights Success (1954) The Decision: The doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place in education. Segregation in schools was prohibited.

9 Bus Boycott (Montgomery, AL, 1955-56) Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

10 Rosa Parks’ Bus

11 Bus Boycott (Montgomery, AL, 1955-56) Goal: Complete integration of blacks into US society Tactic: Non-violent protest Martin L. King (1928-1968)

12 Sit-in Movement Greensboro, NC: Woolworth lunch counter (1960) Sit-in Jackson, MS 1963 Image Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

13 Non-Violent Protest (Birmingham, AL, 1963) Staging a “pray-in” Fire-hoses were used against protestors

14 Black Power Goals: Complete separation of whites & blacks Urged blacks to be proud of African heritage Tactic: Any means necessary Later: moved toward integration but was assassinated Malcolm X (1925-1965)

15 Hispanics Goal: Provide economic opportunity to Hispanics Tactics (nonviolent): Create a union Urge consumers to boycott products until working conditions improved Cesar Chavez (1927-1993)

16 Native Americans Dennis Banks & George Mitchell co-founded AIM Goals: Publicize problems facing Native Americans Reawaken interest in Indian culture/heritage Tactic: Use court system to reassert treaty rights Dennis Banks (1937?- )

17 Women’s Rights Goal: Independence & equality for women Tactics: Formed NOW Influence government to legislate more equality Betty Friedan (1921- 2006)

18 Women’s Rights 1.Equal Rights Amendment Would prohibit discrimination based on sex. It was never ratified by enough states. 2.Roe vs. Wade (1973)

19 Civil Rights (1954-1970s) I.Intro II.Phase I: 1954-63 A.Brown Earl Warren B.Bus Boycott Rosa Parks III.Phase II: 1963- A.Black Power B.Hispanics C.AIM D.Women Key Terms Brown Decision Thurgood Marshall Martin L. King Jr. Malcolm X Cesar Chavez George Mitchell Dennis Banks Betty Friedan Roe vs. Wade ERA

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