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 Putting motion is like a pendulum  Eyes should be over golf ball  Parallel lines  Smooth and straight take back  Firm and straight follow through.

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Presentation on theme: " Putting motion is like a pendulum  Eyes should be over golf ball  Parallel lines  Smooth and straight take back  Firm and straight follow through."— Presentation transcript:


2  Putting motion is like a pendulum  Eyes should be over golf ball  Parallel lines  Smooth and straight take back  Firm and straight follow through  Keep eye on ball through impact

3 CHEF Club down – Behind ball – Determine distance Hands on club – Comfortable and correct grip Eyes on target – Set intermediate targets While setting your feet – Setting parallel lines – Toes point to 10 & 2 – Knees slightly bent

4  Mental game is half the battle  Don’t get discouraged by bad shots  Throwing clubs can lead to disciplinary action  Golf takes time to become good  Never give up

5  Hit golf balls a couple times per week  After 1000 swings muscle memory begins  Spend equal time practicing every component Keep in mind pros practice several hours daily and hit a couple hundred golf balls daily**

6  Set and achieve realistic and meaningful goals  Repeating a performance is not practice  To perfect a skill  Practice with purpose  Have a goal

7  Set no more than 3 goals at a time  Too many goals make it difficult to focus  Pick out the most meaningful goals that will increase your success

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