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Unit 1 Structure and Style of Business Letter. 教学内容:  商务函电的结构 Structure (教学重点) 商务函电各构成部分的内容、作用、位置和 注意事项(教学难点)  商务函电的格式 Style  商务函电写作的原则 Golden rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Structure and Style of Business Letter. 教学内容:  商务函电的结构 Structure (教学重点) 商务函电各构成部分的内容、作用、位置和 注意事项(教学难点)  商务函电的格式 Style  商务函电写作的原则 Golden rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Structure and Style of Business Letter

2 教学内容:  商务函电的结构 Structure (教学重点) 商务函电各构成部分的内容、作用、位置和 注意事项(教学难点)  商务函电的格式 Style  商务函电写作的原则 Golden rules (教 学重点)  商务函电的种类 Classification

3 Lesson 1 Structure of Business Letter  标准部分 信头 Letter head 写信日期 Date line 封内地址 Inside address 称呼 Salutation 正文 Body of the letter 结尾敬语 Complimentary 签名 Signature  特别部分 附件 Enclosure 再启 Postscript 经办人名称 Attention line 事由、标题 Subject line 参考编号 Reference number 抄送 Carbon copy 姓名字首缩写 Name initials

4 Introduction to each part  Definition, function, location and attention of each part

5 1. Letter head  Content: Writer ’ s name, address, fax number, email address and so on  Function: To offer essential information of writer  Location: At the head of the letter  Attention: Usually used together with date line (2)  For example: A Company 36 Tower Street Toronto 4, Canada May 16,2009

6  Who can change this style into indented style? A Company 36 Tower Street Toronto 4, Canada May 16,2009

7 A Company 36 Tower Street Toronto 4, Canada May 16,2009

8 2. Inside address  Content: The receiver ’ s name and address  Function: To offer essential information of the receiver  Location: Below the date line for 4- 6 rows

9 3. Salutation or Greeting  Content: Salutation of the receiver  Function: To show respect to/salute the addressee  Location: Below the inside address for 2-3 rows

10 Attention: Dear Sirs, ---Used in England usually Gentlemen:---Used in America and Canada more  单数用 Dear Sir If the addressee is female  单数 Dear Madam or Madam  复数 Dear Mesdames Dear Mr./Mrs. Smith

11 4. Body of the letter  Content: The writer ’ s expression  Function: To show his opinions or ideas  Location: Below the salutation for 2-3 rows  Structure: The opening sentences Body The closing sentences  We await your good news.  We hope to receive your early reply.  We look forward to your soon reply.  I ’ m looking forward to your earliest reply.

12 5. Complimentary Close  Attention: to match the salutation Sir,--- Yours respectfully, --- Respectfully yours, Dear Sirs,--- Yours faithfully, ---Faithfully yours, Gentlemen:--- Yours (very) truly, ---Truly yours, Dear Mr. Smith,--- Yours sincerely, --- Sincerely yours,

13 6. The signature  Attention:  Usually printed the signer ’ s name and position as well

14 7. Enclosure  Function: To show the sender have attached something with the letter, such as catalogue, price list, B/L, certificate, invoice and so on  Location: left and lower side  For example: Encls.: 2 invoice Enc.: 1 B/L

15 8. Postscript  Function: To add some sentences  Location: At the end of the letter  How to use it? P.S./ PS Don ’ t forget the signature.

16 9. Attention line  Function: To show who is the receiver of this letter  Location: Between inside address and salutation  Attention: Usually the receiver is one person as well as one department  For example: Attention: Mr. H.A. Donna, Export Manager Attention of Marketing department

17 10. Subject or caption  Function: To help the receiver to know the main meaning of this letter and to whom to give this letter  Location: 2-3 rows below the salutation  Attention: Concise and clear  For example: Re: Your order of July 14,2008 - To whom? Re: Price reduction - To whom ?

18 11. Reference number  Function: To file the letter, to make the work convenient  Location: Near the date line; On the upside of inside address; In the opening sentences  For example: Our Ref. : 519/57300 We refer to your letter of ref. 519/57300 ……

19 12. Carbon copy notation  Function: To show the sender will give this letter to other company as well  For example: C.C.: The bank of ABC C.C.: The ABC Chamber of Commerce & Industry

20 13. Name initials  Not necessary  Function: To show who write this letter as well as who type it

21 Lesson 2 Style of Business Letter  1. 齐头式 Block style  Each part, paragraph and line will begin from left and block each other.  Please see two specimen letters on page 8-9.

22  2. 缩进式 Indented style 向右缩进 2-3 个字母,日期在信纸的右上 端,签名在中间偏右下方,每一段每一 行向右缩进 3-5 个字母  Please see the specimen letter on page 9-10.

23  3. 混合式 Semi-block style with indented paragraphs 信的正文采用缩进式,除信头、日期和 签名外,其他采用齐头式  注意:函电每部分之间要留出两行的 空间  Please see two specimen letters on page 10-11.

24 Lesson 3 Golden rule of Writing Business Letter  You ’ d better write the business letters according to the following 6C ’ s rules:  The 6c ’ s: courtesy, conciseness, clearness, consideration, correctness, completeness  Could you tell me what the meaning of each C is?

25 Which one is better?  Soon & July 5  Peruse & read  Beg to state that … & would like to tell you that …  In the event that & if  In regard to & about  Are writing to you with a view to entering into & are anxious to  One paragraph one topic & one paragraph several topics  Make our company more profitable & afford you a profit margin

26  ( 1 ) You claim that we did not enclose all the parts in your order.  We regret any delays in your production caused by missing parts in your order. 前一句直接否定,效果较差 ; 后一句委婉地表达,效果较好 (2)(2)  We are sorry that we can not ship the goods until September8.  We are happy to tell you we may ship the goods after September8. 前一句直接否定,效果较差;后一句委婉地表达,效果较好 (3)(3)  We hope you won ’ t be dissatisfied with our new products.  We hope you will be satisfied with our new products. 前一句否定之否定,效果较差;后一句直接肯定,效果较好

27 (1)(1)  We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. 强调自己的行为  You will earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. 强调对方的利益,效果更好 (2)(2)  We can not offer any refunds because the goods you returned are dirty and unusable. 表达直接,语气有些居高临下  You could obtain refunds if the goods you returned are clean and usable. 强调对方得失,拒绝语气婉转,效果更好

28 Lesson 4 The classification of Business Letters  Establishment of business relation  Enquiry  Offer  Business negotiations  Conclusion of business  Sales promotion  order and the fulfillment  Letter of credit

29  Shipment  Repeat order  Insurance  Claim  Ask for an agent  Processing trade  Compensation trade  Establishing a joint venture

30 Do you still remember the following words?  Indent  Block  Salute  Await  Leading  Accept  Negotiate  Range  Balance  claim

31 Some exercises  Please finish exercises on page 16- 18.

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