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Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Engineering Technology Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Engineering Technology Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Engineering Technology Division

2 2 Overview Introduction Resource Availability Fuel Properties Moisture Composition Size and Density Energy Plants Section 1.9– Biomass Energy

3 3 Introduction Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Energy Production from biological waste material

4 4 Resource Availability Section 1.9– Biomass Energy

5 5 Fuel Properties Section 1.9– Biomass Energy MOISTURE CONTENT - A low moisture level in the fuel is usually preferable because high-moisture fuels burn less readily and provides less useful heat per unit mass. Extremely dry fuel can cause problems due to dust.

6 6 Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Fuel Properties COMPOSITION - The three most significant compositional properties are (1) ash content, (2) susceptibility to slagging and fouling and (3) percent volatiles.

7 7 Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Fuel Properties FUEL SIZE and DENSITY - The size and density of the biomass fuel particles affects the burning characteristics of the fuel. Fuel size dictates the type of handling equipment that is used.

8 8 Energy Plants Section 1.9– Biomass Energy Economy Fuel Source Fuel Properties Fuel Cost

9 9 Questions? Section 1.9– Biomass Energy

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