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Java Programming, Second Edition Chapter Five Input and Selection.

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1 Java Programming, Second Edition Chapter Five Input and Selection

2 In this chapter, you will:  Accept keyboard input  Use the JOptionPane class for GUI input and output  Draw flowcharts  Make decisions with the if and if…else structures  Use compound statements in an if or if…else structure  Nest if and if…else statements  Use AND and OR operators  Use the switch statement  Use the conditional and NOT operators  Understand precedence

3 Accepting Keyboard Input  Run time - When the program is executing  A program that accepts values at run time is interactive because it exchanges communications with the user  Providing values during run time requires input, usually through the keyboard  The in object has access to a method named read() that retrieves data from the keyboard


5 Accepting Keyboard Input  An exception is an error situation  There are many different error situations  For example:  Keyboard issues  The user might enter the wrong data type

6 Accepting Keyboard Input  Let the compiler handle the problem by throwing the exception, or passing the error, to the operating system  Use throws Exception after the main() method header

7 Accepting Keyboard Input  Prompt - Message requesting user input  For example:  The string “Please enter a character”  You are not required to supply a prompt but it is helpful for the user if you do and the user will be more likely to enter an appropriate response

8 Using the JOptionPane Class for GUI Input and Output  Swing components- The classes found in the javax.swing package define GUI elements and provide alternatives to the and System.out.println() methods  Swing classes are part of the Java Foundation Classes, or JFC  To access the Swing components import the javax.swing package using javax.swing.*;

9 Using the JOptionPane Class for GUI Input and Output  JOptionPane - Used to create standard dialog boxes  Three standard dialog boxes  InputDialog - prompts the user for text input  MessageDialog - displays a user message  ConfirmDialog - asks the user a question, with buttons for Yes, No, and Cancel responses

10 Input Dialog Boxes  showInputDialog() method- Creates an input dialog box  Asks a question and uses a text field for entering a response  Two components  The parent component  The string component- contains a string or icon to be displayed

11 Input Dialog Boxes showInputDialog() method with four arguments  Parent component  String component (prompt)  The title to be displayed in the title bar  A class variable describing the type of dialog box  For example:  ERROR_MESSAGE  INFORMATION_ MESSAGE  QUESTION_MESSAGE

12 Message Dialog Boxes  Message Dialog Boxes- Uses a simple window to display information  Created with the showMessageDialog() method  Parent component  String component

13 Message Dialog Boxes showMessageDialog() method with four arguments  Parent component  String component  The title to be displayed in the title bar  A class variable describing the type of dialog box  For example:  ERROR_MESSAGE  INFORMATION_ MESSAGE  QUESTION_MESSAGE

14 Confirm Dialog Boxes  showConfirmDialog() method- To create a confirm dialog box which displays the options Yes, No, and Cancel

15 Confirm Dialog Boxes A confirm dialog box with 5 components:  Parent component  String component  The title to be displayed in the title bar  An integer that indicates which option button will be shown  An integer that describes the kind of dialog box using the class variables ERROR_MESSAGE, INFORMATION_MESSAGE, PLAIN_MESSAGE, QUESTION_MESSAGE, or WARNING_MESSAGE

16 Drawing Flowcharts  Pseudocode- Programmers use a list of tasks that must be accomplished to help them plan a program’s logic  Flowchart- The programmer writes the steps in diagram form as a series of shapes connected by arrows

17 Making Decisions with the if and if…else Structures  Making a decision involves choosing between alternate courses of action based on some value within a program  The value the decision is based on is always Boolean-true or false  You can use if or if…else statements to make a decision

18 if and if…else statements  Single alternative- You only perform an action based on one alternative  Dual alternative- Requires two options for a course of action  Provides the mechanism for performing one action when a Boolean expression evaluates as true and if it evaluates to false a different action occurs




22 Using Compound Statements in an if or if…else Structure  To execute more than one statement that depends on the evaluation of a Boolean expression, use a pair of curly braces to place the dependent statements within a block


24 Nesting if and if…else statements  Nesting if and if…else statements- Statements with an if inside another if  Nested if statements are useful when two conditions must be met before some action can occur



27 Using AND and OR Operators  AND operator- Used to determine whether two expressions are both true  Written as &&  OR operator- Only one of two conditions is true  Written as || if (itemsSold > 3 && totalValue > 1000) bonus=50;


29 Using the Switch Statement  Switch statement- To test a single variable against a series of exact integer or character values  The switch statement uses four keywords  switch - starts the structure and is followed immediately by a test expression enclosed in parentheses  case - is followed by one of the possible values for the test expression and a colon  break - optionally terminates a switch structure at the end of each case  default - optionally is used prior to any action that should occur if the test variable does not match any case


31 Using the Conditional and NOT Operators  Conditional operator- Requires three expressions separated with a question mark and a colon  Is used as an abbreviated version of the if…else structure (testExpression) ? true Result : false Result

32 Using the Conditional and NOT Operators  NOT operator- To negate the result of any Boolean expression  Written as the exclamation point (!) boolean oldEnough = (age > 25); if (!oldEnough) System.out.println(“Too young!”);

33 Understanding Precedence  Operations have higher and lower precedences  The order in which you use operators makes a difference  You can always use parentheses to change precedence or make your intentions clear


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