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Locomotion Review. 1.Made up of fat cells. 2. Produces blood cells. 3. Part of the bone that is very hard due to calcium and phosphorus. 4. Found at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Locomotion Review. 1.Made up of fat cells. 2. Produces blood cells. 3. Part of the bone that is very hard due to calcium and phosphorus. 4. Found at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locomotion Review

2 1.Made up of fat cells. 2. Produces blood cells. 3. Part of the bone that is very hard due to calcium and phosphorus. 4. Found at the end of bones to add strength. 5. Where nerves and blood vessels run through. Yellow marrow Red marrow Compact bone Spongy bone Canals

3 ABC Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle

4 Identify the muscle(s) being described. 1.Striated 2.Voluntary 3.Branched fibers 4. Involuntary 5. Found in the heart 6. Lines internal organs 7. No striations 8. Attached to bones 9. Involved in processes such as peristalsis and digestion Skeletal and cardiac Skeletal Cardiac Smooth and cardiac Cardiac Smooth Skeletal Smooth

5 A – Skeletal muscle B - Ligament C - Tendon D - Bone Identify each structure labeled in the diagram.

6 Immovable Pivot Ball and Socket Sliding Hinge Identify the joints labeled in the diagram below.

7 1.What type of muscle is seen in the diagram? 2.Identify structure X. Skeletal Tendon

8 The tissue that cushions the vertebrae and provides flexibility to joints is known as 1.tendon 2.muscle 3.cartilage 4.bone

9 Which statement describes ligaments? 1.They are made of cartilage and cushion the vertebrae. 2.They are made of tough, elastic tissue and join bones. 3.They are made of tough, inelastic tissue and connect muscles. 4.They are striped and controlled by the nervous system.

10 Which of the following actions requires the muscular and skeletal systems to work together? 1.breaking down food into usable pieces 2.division of cells 3.eliminating waste 4.running from a predator

11 What is a function of bones? 1.It serves as a site for the synthesis of hormones. 2.It supports and protects body structures. 3.It contracts to aid in locomotion. 4.It provides vitamins during periods of physical stress.

12 A B C D E G H I J K M N O P Q R T S F L cranium scapula humerus vertebrae pelvis metacarpals phalanges clavicle sternum ribs radius ulna carpals femur patella tibia fibula tarsals metatarsals phalanges

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