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Energy Living things review!. Do all living things need energy? YES!

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Living things review!. Do all living things need energy? YES!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Living things review!

2 Do all living things need energy? YES!

3 All living things need energy…to run, play, do homework. Even when you are sleeping, your body needs a constant supply of energy

4 What are all living things made up of? CELLS!!!

5 Cells move, reproduce, use energy, grow and respond to the environment. In order to do this, cells need ENERGY!

6 Organisms get energy either by making it themselves (photosynthesis) or by eating others. Organisms make sugar or we eat sugar and protein Sugar molecules contain energy. Our cells have to transfer the energy from the sugar to make ATP.

7 ATP is a form of chemical energy. ATP can be broken down into energy that the cell can use to carry out life processes. ATP breaks down into ADP. The formula is: ATPADP + P + energy

8 Cells need to absorb materials to get energy. So things need to get INTO the cell!!

9 Cells also need to get rid of wastes. So things need to get OUT of the cell!!

10 This is what we will be talking about in the next unit: how things get into and out of the cell!

11 Questions: 1.What do all living things need to survive? 2.What is the molecule that stores energy that cells can use?

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