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1 Research A Disease/Disorder 7 th Grade Science.

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1 1 Research A Disease/Disorder 7 th Grade Science

2 2 Research: Choose a disease/disorder to research. There will be a list of diseases to choose from. If there is a disease/disorder not listed that you would like to research, let me know. Sign up on the easel for the disease/disorder you wish to present. Take notes on your disease/disorder. Use the Internet, encyclopedias, and resource books available in the library. You will need to use the library on your own time (lunch, before and after school) Produce your PowerPoint according to the rubric.

3 3 Working: Computer lab days will be Monday, March 8 Tuesday, March 9 Wednesday, March 10 Grade will count as a test score LIST OF DISEASES/DISORDERS LIST OF DISEASES/DISORDERS

4 4 Areas To Cover: See Rubric 1. General description of the disease Describe it. What causes it? Who gets it? 2. Symptoms and signs What body system is involved? How often does it occur? Does it affect a certain age group? Does it affect a certain ethnic group?

5 5 Areas to Cover: 3. Diagnosis. What tests do the doctors run to determine a person has the disease? 4. Treatment. Is there a cure? What medicines are used? Can medicines cure it or just treat it?

6 6 Project: You will create a PowerPoint on your disease/disorder. Be sure to include all of the required areas. Be creative and imaginative. Have fun!!!

7 7 Saving: Save all electronic files to your My Documents. If you do any work at home, you can bring on a flash drive and put on network. Plan your time so you will have it done prior to final day. Questions?????? Ask!!!!

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