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AP Calculus BC September 2, 2015 Day 3 - §1.4 Continuity and One-Sided Limits.

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1 AP Calculus BC September 2, 2015 Day 3 - §1.4 Continuity and One-Sided Limits

2 Entry Task Use three post-its to provide example graphs of: One function that is continuous Two functions that are not continuous Put your Post-its up on the whiteboards at the back of the room.

3 Learning Targets  I can apply the concepts of continuity and one-sided limits to analyze functions.  I defined continuity, and determined continuity at a point and on open-and closed intervals.  I correctly evaluated one-sided limits.  I explained and used the Intermediate Value Theorem to analyze functions.

4 Review Assignment #2 Discuss Assignment #2 with your elbow partner. What questions do you have? Did you solve the problems differently? When you are done, turn in Assignment #2.

5 Continuous Functions Which functions are continuous? Which functions are not continuous? What are characteristics of discontinuous functions? How can that help us define continuous functions?

6 Intermediate Value Theorem How do we know that f(x)=x 3 – 6x 2 + 5x + 12 has a zero on the interval [2, 3.5]?

7 Assignment #3 Due tomorrow Do §1.4 #8, 11, 47, 54, 55, 67, 91, 94, 115 Due by September 8 (next Tuesday) Show me your signed syllabus page

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